
Is A Uniform Civil Code The Answer?

Many women like Lily Thomas, Shah Bano and Mary Roy have challenged India’s personal laws. Is a Uniform Civil Code the answer? Can it work in a country as diverse as ours?

Outlook's latest issue on Uniform Civil Code

Lily Thomas knocked at the Supreme Court's door to get justice for a woman whose husband married a second time and converted to Islam. The apex court ruled in favour of Thomas, saying conversion to another religion for the purpose of bigamy is illegal and can be punished. 

Shah Bano filed a criminal suit in the Supreme Court demanding alimony. The court, against the tenets of the Muslim Persona; Law, ruled in her favour. But the Rajiv Gandhi government enacted a law denying her maintenance from her husband. 

Activist and educator Mary Roy sued her brother for Property Rights after the passing away of their father, which was denied by the Syrian Christian church. The Supreme Court ruled in her favour, upholding the Indian Succession Act, 1925.