
Why China Has Warned US Not To Cross ‘Red Line’ On Taiwan?

Taiwan continues to remain a festering wound between US-China relations despite the three communiques—1972, 1979, and 1982—and the ‘Six Assurances’ that guide the US-China relations.

Taiwans President Tsai Ing-wen

In a latest war of words between China and US, Beijing has warned Washington over not crossing red line on Taiwan.

Taiwan in a latest, as per Reuters report has made it clear that it will not allow "repeated provocations" from China.

This statement from Taiwan came after China's foreign minister said that the Taiwan was the "first red line" that must not be crossed in Sino-U.S. relations.

Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen Meeting with US officials likely to spike tension in Taiwan Strait:

According to the Reuters report, Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen plans to meet current House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in the US in coming weeks.

The report also stated that should the US meeting go forward - likely in April - it did not necessarily rule out McCarthy visiting Taiwan in the future.

It also said a future visit by McCarthy would severely increase tensions across the Taiwan Strait at a time when the island is preparing for its own presidential election early next year.

Deteriorating relations between US and China:

It all started recently with US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan on 2 August 2022. 

Pelosi’s visit infuriated Beijing, which termed it “betrayal”.

In retaliation to Pelosi’s Taiwan visit, China, conducted a series of military drills against Taiwan.

China also halted cooperation with the US over military and climate change issues. 

China-US tussle over Taiwan not new:

The worsening US-China relations over Taiwan is nothing new.

Technically speaking, it is the fourth such crisis since the post-War era. Taiwan has been a “thorn” between the US and China since the Cold War.

It has remained blockade between US-China relations despite the three communiques—1972, 1979, and 1982—and the ‘Six Assurances’ that guide the US-China relations.

Present Crisis over Taiwan:

The present crisis over has escalated the cross-strait tensions to a possible US-China military clash over Taiwan. 

There are apprehensions that China may attack the island nation like Russia did in Ukraine.

Nancy Pelosi’s visit  has given a kind of an impetus to China, who now uses the pretext to settle the issue of Taiwan which it claims its own territory. The annexation plan of China is embedded in its goal of Chinese rejuvenation. 

The experts also view deterioration in US-China relations not merely a result of power rivalry, but “symptomatic” of a clash of frontiers between the two giants.




