
SC Lambasts TV Channels For Unregulated Hate Speech, Questions Govt’s Silence

Supreme Court while questioning government's silence over the issue, has said: ‘Government should not take an adversarial stand but assist the court. Is this a trivial issue?’

The controversy over freebies began with a plea by a BJP leader in the Supreme Court in January

Supreme Court on Wednesday lashed out at TV channels over unregulated hate speeches.

According to the report in NDTV, the SC has observed that: “These speeches on mainstream media or social media are unregulated. It's (the anchors') duty to see that hate speech doesn't continue the moment someone does. Freedom of press is important... Ours is not as free as US but we should know where to draw a line”.

It also mentioned: "Hate speech is layered... Like killing someone, you can do it in multiple ways, slowly or otherwise. They keep us hooked based on certain conviction".

SC also has said “Government should not take an adversarial stand but assist the court. Is this a trivial issue?” stated the report.




