
'Liberal' Canadian PMO Bars Outlook From High Commission’s Reception For Trudeau Over Khalistan Coverage

Outlook, in its February 12, 2018 issue, with a cover "Khalistan-II- Made in Canada" had carried seven articles in a package questioning Canadian cabinet's proximity and appeasement policies towards the Sikh radicals

'Liberal' Canadian PMO Bars Outlook From High Commission’s Reception For Trudeau Over Khalistan Coverage

‘Liberal’ Canadian Prime Minister's Office on Thursday withdrew invitation to High Commissioner dinner for Outlook magazine. 

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau feted the world over as the new face of “liberalism” seem to find it difficult to accommodate critical media coverage. An hour-before the high commissioner’s reception cum for dinner for Trudeau the invitation to Outlook was withdrawn.

An Indian official called up to apologise in withdrawing the invitation at the last minute. But admitted that he was instructed by the Canadian PM’s Office to withdraw the invite because Outlook which had done a cover story on “ Khalistan - II made in Canada” cannot be in guest list to welcome Trudeau.

 High Commission of Canada, in a mail to Outlook Chief of Bureau Pranany Sharma, wrote:

“I am writing to confirm that the invitation issued to you on behalf of the High Commissioner to an evening reception in New Delhi on February 22, 2018 was issued in error.

 We understand that this may cause you some inconvenience however please be advised that entry to the event is by invitation only.” 

Read the original invitation here:

Outlook, in its February 12, 2018 issue, with a cover "Khalistan-II- Made in Canada" had carried seven articles in a package questioning Canadian cabinet's proximity and appeasement policies towards the Sikh radicals, particulalary in the context of 1985 terrorist attack on Air India flight 182, Kanishka, which killed over 300 passengers.

Read the stories here.





