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'...Like A Jump Scare': Stormy Daniels Recounts Details On Sexual Encounter With Trump|Day 13 Highlights

Day 13 of the Trump hush money trial saw Stormy Daniels take the stand, detailing her 2006 encounter with Trump and the subsequent $130,000 payment she received. Daniels described feeling pressured by Trump's advances and the impact the ordeal had on her life. See more highlights below.

Seth Wenig / AP
Stormy Daniels, second from left, exits the courthouse in New York Photo: Seth Wenig / AP

As the Trump hush money trial progresses, Day 13 unfolded with gripping testimonies and legal manoeuvres that kept the courtroom on edge. Here’s a breakdown of the key moments you may have missed:

1. Daniels' Encounter with Trump:

Stormy Daniels, a former adult film actress, took center stage as she recounted her first meeting with Trump at a celebrity golf tournament in 2006. She described feeling hesitant about accepting a dinner invitation from Trump, given their age difference and his status as a reality TV star. However, influenced by her publicist's assurance that it would make a compelling story, she eventually acquiesced.

Daniels detailed the encounter in a penthouse hotel suite, where Trump greeted her in silk or satin pajamas reminiscent of Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy magazine. She testified that although Trump didn't force himself on her, he implied he could advance her career.

“At first it was just startled, like a jump scare. I wasn’t expecting someone to be there, minus a lot of clothing,” Daniels said.

Despite feeling uncomfortable, Daniels engaged in a brief sexual encounter with Trump, later expressing shame for not stopping it.

“I thought, ‘Oh my God,’ what did I misread to get here?” Daniels testified. “Because the intention was pretty clear. Somebody stripped down in their underwear and posed on the bed, waiting for you.”

Daniels said Trump told her: “I thought we were getting somewhere, we’re talking. I thought you were serious about what you wanted. If you ever want to get out of that trailer park — I was offended because I never lived in a trailer park.”

Also, she said she believes she “blacked out” at some point during sex, which was brief. Afterward, Trump told her “it was great,” called her “honey bunch” and suggested they get together again, Daniels testified. She said he hadn’t worn a condom. She said she tried to leave the hotel as quickly as possible.

2. The Hush Money Payment:

The trial delved into the $130,000 payment Daniels received from Trump's team just before the 2016 election, facilitated by Michael Cohen, Trump's former lawyer and "fixer." Prosecutors framed the payment as part of a scheme to influence the election outcome, following the release of the infamous "Access Hollywood" tape.

Daniels revealed that she understood the nondisclosure agreement she signed required her to act as if she and Trump had never met. She emphasized that the exact dollar figure was inconsequential to her; the priority was to "get it done."

3. Impact on Daniels' Life:

Daniels described the chaos that ensued after the details of her arrangement with Trump and Cohen became public, leading to ostracism from her social circles and harassment from Trump himself. She confirmed that Trump's derogatory social media post referring to her as "horseface" and "sleazebag" was directed at her.

In a tense moment, Trump's lawyer, Todd Blanche, sought a mistrial, arguing that Daniels' testimony had unfairly influenced the jury. However, Judge Merchan denied the motion, urging Daniels to keep her responses succinct and relevant.

4. Trump's Attention To Detail

The day began with testimony from Sally Franklin, who entered excerpts from Trump's books into evidence to counter the notion that Cohen could have acted without Trump's knowledge. Trump's writings emphasized the importance of meticulous financial oversight, with passages underscoring his personal involvement in financial matters.

“Always look at the numbers yourself. If things turn grim, you’re the one left holding the checkbook,” Trump wrote in his book “Think Like a Billionaire.”

“No detail is too small to consider, I even try to sign as many checks as possible,” Trump wrote. “For me, there’s nothing worse than a computer signing checks.”

Now, court will resume Thursday, May 9, when Trump’s defense team will continue its cross-examination of Daniels.




