Art & Entertainment

'Reacher' Actor Alan Ritchson Reveals Attempting Suicide After Multiple Sexual Assaults; Was Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder

After being a victim of multiple sexual assaults, Alan Ritchson was diagnosed with bipolarity at the age of 36 and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) at 40.

Alan Ritchson opens up on facing multiple sexual assaults Photo: Instagram

'Reacher' actor Alan Ritchson, made a shocking revelation of being a victim of multiple sexual assaults. In an interview, Alan revealed that he suffered from depression and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder because of this horrific experience. The actor told Hollywood Reporter that it began when he was in the modelling industry and it also continued when he got into the acting profession. He even tried to commit suicide but couldn't.

Alan, 41, said, "There are very few redeeming qualities to working in [the modelling] industry. Let’s be honest, it’s like legalised sex trafficking. The industry is not regulated, and it’s a widely known secret that if you’re hired on a job, you’re basically being passed off to a photographer to be trafficked".

He further said, “The number of times and situations where I was put in horrific environments where sexual abuse was the goal and the paycheck that you were desperate for in order to survive was the carrot, I can’t count on two hands. It was quite often.”

A Still From ‘Reacher 2’

Ritchson also revealed that he was booked for a shoot for a very famous photographer. The actor recalled he was sent into a hotel room to do nudes and was promised that if I did the shoot, he would get a very ''lucrative campaign'' for a magazine and a clothing brand. He added, ''I was sexually assaulted by this guy.”

When he got into acting, a person, with whom he collaborated for a film fund, assaulted him. He said, “She gave me an ultimatum to come to her room and said that if I didn’t, she would destroy the business and she would destroy me by calling TMZ to claim I sexually assaulted her.”

'The Hunger Games' actor wanted to end his life by hanging himself, but he blacked out at the last moment. He had a vision of his sons, Calem, Edan, and Amory, that stopped him from taking his life. After these incidents, he was diagnosed with bipolarity at the age of 36 and ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) at 40.

He added, “What I kept falling back on was the meaning and purpose of life as someone who believes that there is a creator, and we are created beings, our purpose in life is, without qualifications, to make the world a better place and serve others. That is what life is all about.”




