
Want To Lose 15 Kg In 2 Months? Here's How

If you've been worried about gaining weight during the lockdown, here's a real life example of what a simple change in diet can do

Want To Lose 15 Kg In 2 Months? Here's How

 Rajesh Goyal surprised me beyond belief when he came to my office recently.

I've known him for over 20, years and he was always overweight. But when I saw him a couple of days ago for the first time after nationwide lockdown was announced in late March, I found he had shed 15 kilograms during that period.

One constant refrain we've heard in the past two months is that due to the lockdown and the sedentary, restricted existence, many people have gained weight. Those who have not have been apprehensive about it, and hence careful about what and how much they eat.

Noticing my surprise, Rajesh explained that when I had forwarded a copy of my article in Poshan titled “Recovering Health through Power of Food”, he and his wife, who had earlier heard about the concept of “Low Carbohydrate, Healthy Fat Diet" from me, they decided to give it a try. They increased the quantum of healthy fat in their diet, and dramatically  reduced their carbohydrate consumption, while consuming the normal amount of protein. It took them a few days to get used to the new diet, and then they started skipping meals as they did not feel hungry. The practice of eating three times a day-- which they had followed during their entire lifetime-- slowly changed, and soon they started skipping the third meal altogether. They soon discovered that even the second meal could be light, in the form of fruits and vegetables.

They consciously avoided or reduced fattening carbohydrates in the form of wheat, rice, potato and sugar. They increased the intake of healthy fat in the form of full cream milk, curd, ghee, butter and healthy oil. And the difference started showing soon. The couple which had struggled to lose weight for years suddenly found that they were not only losing weight, but feeling a lot fitter and healthier too.

Rajesh confessed that earlier, he used to dread going near the weighing machine because the numbers would make him feel embarrassed. But when after a few days of the new eating pattern, the weighing scale started dialling downwards, he got addicted to taking his weight first thing every morning. He was absolutely delighted because the weight which had never come down before despite all his efforts was now decreasing consistently.

Rajesh and his wife loved the experience. When asked whether there was any discomfort during the two months of the new diet, he said he was surprised that they never felt uncomfortable about skipping a meal. In fact, he said he loved his new healthy diet, and would continue with it forever. His first target is to bring his weight down to two digits, and then reduce further to achieve the optimum weight prescribed for his height and body structure. When he met me, he was already down to 105 kg, and I am sure it will not take him long to reach his two digit target, something he has not seen in the past 25 years.

It's surprising what a simple thing like changing your diet can do.

(The author, an IPS Officer of 1987 batch, is presently Joint Secretary with Ministry of Home Affairs)




