Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla on Tuesday launched Jio True 5G services in Kota, which became the 6th city in the state to get the high-speed network after Nathdwara, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Udaipur, and Bikaner.
Speaking on the occasion, speaker Om Birla said in the era of research and innovation, True 5G will prove to be a milestone in the development story of the country.
With the help of this latest technology, people from remote areas will become part of the mainstream. This will improve the quality of life in the country. India is among the few countries where 5G technology is available. India will become a global economy with the help of 5G. I thank Reliance Jio for launching 5G services in Kota, he said.
Kota has traditionally been an important industrial destination of Rajasthan and over the past few decades, it has also become India's coaching hub. Thousands of young students come to the city each year to prepare for competitive exams. With the introduction of Jio True 5G services, including high-speed, low-latency data services in the city, the students will benefit and gain immensely.
Starting January 24, 2023, Jio users in Kota will be invited to the Jio Welcome Offer and experience unlimited data at up to 1 Gbps-plus speeds at no additional cost.
"We are thrilled to launch Jio True 5G services in 50 additional cities across 17 states and Union Territories, taking the total count to 184 cities. This is by far one of the largest rollouts of 5G services, not just in India, but anywhere in the world," Jio Spokesperson said in a press release here.
In the next couple of months, Jio True 5G services will be available in Ajmer, Bhilwara, Alwar, Sikar, And Ganganagar as well. By the end of 2023, every town, taluka, and tehsil of Rajasthan will have Jio True 5G coverage, he said.
Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla Launches JIO True 5G In Kota
On Tuesday, Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla launched Jio True 5G services in Kota, which became the 6th city in the state to get the high-speed network after Nathdwara, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Udaipur, and Bikaner.
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