'Bigg Boss 15' fame Rajiv Adatia recently appeared on Krushna Abhishek-hosted show 'Bigg Buzz' where the evicted contestants from 'Bigg Boss' play interesting games and give their opinions about the housemates without any biases.
He revealed that 'Bigg Boss 16' contestant Ankit Gupta is his friend from outside the house and is doing very well in the game. He said that while viewers feel that Ankit doesn't speak much or pushes himself out of his comfort zone, Rajiv revealed that people should not confuse his silence with his disinterest in the game.
Rajiv said: "Ankit is a great guy, he's very real. He is an introverted person and thus takes time to open up. He mostly stays quiet since the show has just begun but I feel now he's starting to open up more and we will definitely get to see more from him in the show. His modest nature comes from his patience and wisdom which are his biggest assets."
He said about the chemistry between Shalin Bhanot and Tina Datta and called it 'fake': "The contestants have made the house a matrimonial website, everyone keeps falling in love in one or two weeks like Shalin and Tina's romantic angle looks absolutely fake. They should start playing their own game individually. However, I feel Ankit and Priyanka Chahar Chaudhary's equation seems different, they actually look like they're in love and I totally ship them. I want to see them getting married on the show."
'Bigg Buzz' streams on Voot.
'Bigg Boss 16': Rajiv Adatia Bats For Ankit Gupta, Calls Shalin Bhanot-Tina Datta Fake
'Bigg Boss 15' fame Rajiv Adatia recently appeared on Krushna Abhishek-hosted show 'Bigg Buzz' where the evicted contestants from 'Bigg Boss' play interesting games and give their opinions about the housemates without any biases.
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