The Indian contingent had a very fine day at the Games with the trio of Sarabjot Singh, Arjun Singh Cheema and Shiva Narwal bagging gold in the 10m air pistol team event, whereas Naorem Roshibina Devi secured silver in women's 60kg wushu, and Anush Agarwala bagged bronze in individual dressage. However, the Indian football team crashed out in the round of 16 to Saudi Arabia (0-2). But India's Rohan Bopanna and Rutuja Bhosale claimea semis spot and confirmed a medal too for India in mixed doubles -tennis event.
India At The Asian Games 2023, Day 5 - In Pics
The Indian contingent had a very fine day at the Games with the trio of Sarabjot Singh, Arjun Singh Cheema and Shiva Narwal bagging gold in the 10m air pistol team event, whereas Naorem Roshibina Devi secured silver in women's 60kg wushu, and Anush Agarwala bagged bronze in individual dressage. However, the Indian football team crashed out in the round of 16 to Saudi Arabia (0-2). But India's Rohan Bopanna and Rutuja Bhosale claimea semis spot and confirmed a medal too for India in mixed doubles -tennis event.
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