
Space For Opposition Diminishing, Legislative Performance Declining: CJI Ramana

Chief Justice of India NV Ramana further said that hostility between political opponents is not healthy for Indian democracy.

Space For Opposition Diminishing, Legislative Performance Declining: CJI Ramana

Chief Justice of India NV Ramana on Saturday said the space for Opposition in the country is diminishing. Speaking at an event in Rajasthan's Jaipur, Ramana said that it's "unfortunate" that it's happening.

Ramana also said that India is also seeing decling in legislative performance.

He said, "There used be mutual respect between government and Opposition. Unfortunately, space for opposition is diminishing. Sadly, country is witnessing a decline in quality of legislative performance: Chief Justice of India N V Ramana at event in Jaipur."

Ramana further said that hostility between political opponents is not healthy for Indian democracy.

He said, "Political opposition should not translate into hostility, which we have been sadly witnessing, [it is] not signs of healthy democracy."

Earlier on Saturday, Ramana had expressed concern over the large number of undertrial prisoners in India. 

Ramana said that out of 6.10 lakh prisoners in India, nearly 80 per cent are undertrial prisoners. He added that the country needs a "holistic plan" for this.

He said, "We need a holistic plan of action to increase the efficiency of the administration of the criminal justice system. 

Ramana said that prolonged incarceration in huge numbers without a trial needs attention. However, he said that the goal should not be limited to enabling the early release of undertrial prisoners.

"Rather, we should question procedures which lead to such prolonged incarceration in huge numbers without a trial," said Ramana.

(With PTI inputs)




