The police on Wednesday booked a blogger in Maharashtra’s Pune for allegedly posting a threat to kill Prime Minister Narendra Modi
The police said a man who runs the website saw the comment on August 6 when he went to a hospital in the Erandwane area, PTI reported.
The report said the above person soon called the police control room about the threat comment.
“As stated in the press release issued on Wednesday, the control room passed on the information to the Alankar police station,” it said.
It added: “A police team contacted the informer and found that a comment on his website had mentioned, ‘I will plan a serious bomb blast in India….I will kill Narendra Modi’.”
The report said after conducting a primary investigation, the police registered an FIR at the Alankar station on Tuesday night.
The report quoting the police press release, stated that they have booked the internet user, identifying himself as “M.A.Moheem”, under Indian Penal Code sections related to criminal intimidation and statements conducing to public mischief.
The report quoting a senior police inspector Appasaheb Shevale of the Alankar station said that the investigation was underway, but no arrest was made in the case.