
Amid Azad’s Big ‘Secret Meet With Modi’ Remark On Abdullahs, A Look At Leaders’ Ties In Person

Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad has accused National Conference leader Dr Farooq Abdullah and Omar Abdullah of holding secret meetings with PM Narendra Modi and HM Amit Shah.

Farooq Abdullah and Ghulam Nabi Azad

Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad has made a massive claim against Abdullahs. He has said both Dr Farooq Abdullah and his son Omar Abdullah hold secret meetings with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah.

His statement assumes significance considering the party led by Abdullahs—National Conference’s public stance on events of 5 August 2019, when J&K’s special status was abrogated, while it was downgraded and subsequently bifurcated from the state into two Union Territories. NC has been vehemently opposing BJP-led Centre’s move of 5 August 2019.

Also, post 5 August 2019 saw Jammu and Kashmir’s political leadership including three former chief ministers and sitting Parliamentarian including Dr Farooq Abdullah, Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti in detention under Public Safety Act (PSA) for months. They were released later after spending months in jail.

Infact, Azad was the first veteran leader from Delhi to reach out to Dr Farooq Abdullah on the second day, after he was released after spending months in detention inside his home in Srinagar’s posh Gupkar area. Azad meet Dr Farooq on 14 March 2020 after taking permission from Supreme Court.

On that sunny afternoon, when Azad and Dr Farooq were coming downstairs after holding three hour long meeting, the later had a near fall, while he inadvertently put his foot on kick scooter, placed on a staircase. However, from behind Azad quickly came to Abdullah’s rescue and not only saved him from falling away, but also placed the scooter aside. The 86-year-old now Dr Farooq had also underwent cataract surgeries then in Srinagar hospital.

Azad seemed ecstatic after meeting his old pal Dr Farooq Abdullah after his release from detention then.

“It is after a very very long time that I had a meeting with Farooq Abdullah sahab after seven months. For seven and a half months Farooq Abdullah was detained. The reason for it(his detention) is unknown in the world,” Azad had told a swarm of awaiting penmen and lensmen.

Foes on political turf, but long time friends otherwise, Azad had said: “Today I have come here not only on my behalf. From myself I have definitely come, there is a friendship from last 40—47 years which was always and will remain always,” which had generated a meek smile on Abdullah’s face.

“I told Farooq sahib to how our people from political parties were yearning to see you out of detention. Today you (Farooq) have come out. It is matter of great joy,” Azad had said.

He had also expressed concern over the period Dr Farooq had to undergo in detention, Azad had said: “I know the kind of hardships you had to go through. It was probably for the first time that this kind of winter was witnessed. Considering your age and health condition, the government did a big excess with you. But with one having Allah on his side, nobody can do any harm to him”.

In 2024 with changed political dynamics Azad has now accused Abdullahs of “double-game”.




