Delhi Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar has formed a committee of senior officers to inspect the offices of ADMs and SDMs of the revenue department, days after Vigilance Minister Atishi alleged corruption in the issuance of documents such as caste and income certificates from these offices.
The four-member committee formed by the chief secretary, who is also the chief vigilance officer of the Delhi government, by an order on Monday includes Principal Secretary (Environment) A K Singh, Food and Civil Supplies Commissioner Dilraj Kau, Education Secretary Ashok Kumar, and Assistant Director (Vigilance) Buniyad Singh.
The committee will inspect the offices of additional district magistrates (ADMs), sub-divisional magistrates (SDMs), and tehsildars, as well as PWD, said the order.
It will study processes followed by these offices and recommend improvements. The committee's report will be submitted to the chief secretary by September 11, it said.
Delhi Cabinet Minister Atishi, hours after taking charge of the Vigilance Directorate on August 14, directed the chief secretary to take action on complaints of bribery in SDM offices.
The minister, in a note to the chief secretary, also directed him to form a team of senior IAS and DANICS officers within a week to visit the SDM offices.
Atishi had alleged that officials in SDM offices were demanding bribes to issue documents, including caste and income certificates, causing hardships to people, particularly those belonging to underprivileged sections.
The order issued by the chief secretary stated that the committee will make recommendations regarding procedural changes for ease of doing business and simplification of processes and applicable laws, making processes faceless, and effective implementation of e-courts, among others.
The committee will also recommend effective monitoring processes, including mechanisms for inspections of ADM, SDM and Tehsildar offices, as well as improving transparency and efficiency of these offices.
Delhi Chief Secretary Forms Panel To Inspect Graft, Bribery Charges In ADM, SDM Offices
A committee of senior officers has been formed by the Delhi Chief Secretary to inspect the revenue department's ADM and SDM offices, days after Vigilance Minister Atishi accused these offices of corruption in issuing caste and income certificates.