
Chinese Envoy Xu Feihong Arrives In India After 18 Month Gap, Says 'Ready To Work With New Delhi'

India and China have had strained ties over the border standoff in eastern Ladakh since May 2020 and the Galwan border clashes in June 2020.

China Embassy website
Chinese Envoy Xu Feihong | Photo: China Embassy website

China has finally sent his envoy Xu Feihong to India after a gap of 18 months amid the Ladakh border stand-off between the two countries since May 2020.

Feihong has reportedly arrived in New Delhi on Friday with his wife Tan Yuxiu.

According to The Indian Express report, Xu said, “China is ready to work with India to accommodate each other’s concerns and find a mutually acceptable solution to specific issues through dialogue at an early date.”

Earlier, 60 year-old Xu was appointed as the 17th Chinese Ambassador to India by Chinese President Xi Jinping.

“China is ready to work with India to accommodate each other’s concerns, find a mutually acceptable solution to specific issues through dialogue at an early date, and turn the page as soon as possible,” Xu was quoted as saying.

He added: “I noted Prime Minister Modi’s comments on the importance of China-India ties, and the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson responded to that right afterwards.”

“The Chinese side always believes that China-India ties should not be defined by any single issue or area; the boundary question is not the entirety of the relationship. Speaking at the Indian Council of World Affairs in September 2014, President Xi Jinping said that we must not focus our attention only on differences and forget about our friendship and cooperation,” Xu said as per the report.

“I look forward to, and I trust that I will have, the support and assistance from the Indian government and friends from all sectors as I work to perform my ambassadorial duties,” he said, the report added.

“We face multiple global challenges such as climate change, food and energy crises, weak economic recovery and so on,” Xu was quoted as having said.

He added, “Closer communication and coordination on global and regional affairs will not only bring opportunities to both countries and the world but also add stability and positivity to international relations.”

Meanwhile, MEA spokesperson, Randhir Jaiswal has said, “We have our Ambassador in China, a new Chinese Ambassador is coming here, it’s a normal routine… so that the exchanges can be continued.”

India and China have had strained ties over the border standoff in eastern Ladakh since May 2020 and the Galwan border clashes in June 2020, in which 20 Indian soldiers, including a Col-rank officer, were killed. Chinese soldiers were also killed in the clashes.





