Art & Entertainment

Ahead Of ‘Friday Night Plan’, Check Out These Netflix Titles Exploring Diverse Sibling Dynamics

Get ready for some epic sibling sagas that'll make you LOL, cry, and maybe even call your sibling afterward.

Top 5 sibling sagas on Netflix

Namaste Binge-Watchers and Sibling Squads! Amidst all the pyaar and takraar, and shared stories that siblings bring into our lives, Raksha Bandhan peeks around the corner – that special time when we reflect on this rollercoaster of a bond. Beyond the playful teasing and inevitable squabbles, lies a subtle exchange of insights and experiences, where one sibling's strengths fill in the gaps left by the other's quirks. As tradition gets a Netflix upgrade, get ready for some epic sibling sagas that'll make you LOL, cry, and maybe even call your sibling afterward (yes, even if you've hidden their favourite sneakers). Let's dive in, shall we?

‘Friday Night Plan’ - Siddharth & Aditya

Setting the Stage: When mom's away, the bros will play! Siddharth and Aditya might appear as two sides of a coin, with Sid embodying responsibility and Adi radiating party vibes. Yet, beneath their seemingly opposite personas, they find an extraordinary connection. As they sneak out for the night's hottest party, their bond strengthens through candid conversations about their deep seeded issues and admiration for each other. Adi's carefree spirit complements Sid's reliability, and in this unique union, they discover profound harmony. In their own remarkable way, they redefine what it means to be brothers.  Party on, dudes, for tonight is a chapter in their book of unforgettable memories! Friday Night Releasing on 1st September only on Netflix!

‘Never Have I Ever’ - Devi & Kamala

Cousin Chronicles: Devi and Kamala's relationship is like a rollercoaster, where every rise and fall is a testament to their unbreakable familial ties. Kamala, the seemingly 'perfect' cousin, harbours her own dreams and struggles behind her composed facade, while Devi, with her straightforward nature, brings a refreshing honesty to the table. Through a series of misinterpretations and heart-to-heart revelations, these cousins navigate the complexities of their emotions, proving that love's journey can be as tangled as a messy room during the stress of exam week.

‘Class’ - Suhani & Veer Ahuja

Rebel Reverie: Suhani and Veer Ahuja are not your typical siblings; they're a collision of convictions and a fusion of fierce love. Suhani's rebellion against their family's affluent, yet morally questionable lifestyle contrasts starkly with Veer's role as the steadfast and protective older brother. Amidst heated debates and passionate disagreements, their unbreakable bond shines through, a testament that even in the midst of differing beliefs, love remains a steadfast anchor in their lives. Their journey is a rebellious ride through uncharted territories of sibling dynamics, reminding us that love's strength can weather even the stormiest of clashes.

‘Rana Naidu’ - Rana, Tej, Jaffa

Fixer-Upper Family: Rana Naidu is renowned for his ability to fix the lives of celebrities, yet his own family weaves a tapestry of imperfections and challenges. In the midst of life's unpredictable chaos, Rana, Tej, and Jaffa stand shoulder to shoulder, a united front against whatever obstacles come their way. The trio's unshakeable support for each other is a beacon of light in the murkiness of uncertainty. Because when life's a puzzle, who better to solve it with than your siblings?  

‘Mismatched’ - Rishi & Ashish Shekhawat

Mismatched Chronicles: In the heart of this rom-com, brothers Rishi and Ashish's bond is a testament to the unwavering connection that siblings share, even amidst opposing influences. Rishi's protective nature and Ashish's transformative journey from admiration of their father's conduct to a realisation of the true worth of family love highlight the depth and resilience of their relationship, culminating in a heartwarming reunion that underscores the enduring power of sibling camaraderie.

‘Schitt's Creek’ - Alexis & David Rose

Iconic Sibling Duo: Infusing Schitt's Creek with their hilarious one-liners and style beyond their years, David and Alexis Rose emerge as the quintessential brother and sister pair. Their journey in the series, from distant and snobbish siblings to inseparable best friends reluctant to part ways, showcases some of the most compelling character growth. While David's worries about Alexis' well-being start as one-sided concerns, her transformation over time to reciprocate his protective tendencies underlines the deepening sibling connection. From the show's inception to its finale, David and Alexis share both the highest peaks and lowest valleys, etching their names into the annals of memorable sibling relationships on screen.

So, there you have it - a handpicked list of Netflix gems that celebrate the sibling rollercoaster in all its glory. This Raksha Bandhan, as you're busy tying rakhis and stealing ladoos, don't forget to binge-watch these sibling sagas that mirror the crazy, the chaotic, and the heartwarming moments we all share with our brothers and sisters.




