
World Bicycle Day | How Bicycles Are A One-Stop Solution For Fitness, Eco-Friendly Conveyance And Sustainable Living

The United Nations General Assembly in 2018 had declared June 3 as the World Bicycle Day to promote this simple and healthy mode of transport.

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The United Nations General Assembly in 2018 declared June 3 as World Bicycle Day to promote this simple and healthy mode of transport, which is also considered environment-friendly. Considering the whole gamut of changes in the planet's climate landscape, the UN has marked the date on the sustainability calendar in a bid to emphasize its importance.

On the occasion of World Bicycle Day on Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked people to take inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi to lead a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. PM Modi posted a picture of Gandhi riding a cycle with a message on Twitter. 

He tweeted, "Lifestyle for Environment (LIFE). It is World Bicycle Day today and who better than Mahatma Gandhi to take inspiration from to lead a sustainable and healthy lifestyle."

History and significance of World Bicycle Day

Since 2018, June 3 has been marked as World Bicycle Day to celebrate "the uniqueness, longevity and versatility of the bicycle”. All the 193 member countries of The United Nations passed the resolution after a grassroots campaign conducted by Professor Leszek Sibilski, who gained the support of Turkmenistan and 56 other countries that co-sponsored the resolution.

Professor Sibilski profoundly wanted an official day to be declared to celebrate the versatile mode of transportation that caters to billions across the world irrespective of any socio-economic parameter.

Want to raise your fitness level? Go for bicycling

In today's world, when both mental health and physical health-related issues are growing exponentially for sedentary lifestyles and a plethora of other reasons, cycling actually appears to be a great solution to keep the health issues at bay. Bicycles are proven to be a fantastic apparatus that enables us to challenge our own fitness levels and become a better version of ourselves physically.  

Not only the external environment, but the two-wheeler is also instrumental in maintaining the inner environment of our body as well.

Bicycles promote a sustainable lifestyle

Celebration of the World Bicycle Day primarily stemmed from the urge to encourage the member countries of The United Nations to promote the use of bicycles to boost sustainable development and prevent pollution. Green House Gas (GHG) emission from vehicles is identified as one of the largest contributing factors facilitating anthropogenic climate disasters.

The use of two wheels instead of four thus is considered the best alternative to congested traffic in every city all over the world causing an immense amount of pollution. It is also said that each pedalling of a cyclist somewhere in the world means a puff of air for the planet.

Each meter travelled with no other help than the lungs involves one car less emitting CO₂ to the atmosphere. Each kilometre of bike lane built is a mobility barrier torn.

Electric bikes, public bike services, cyclo tourism routes- yes with every passing day we are becoming familiar with these terms as the various attributes of climate change are becoming more and more conspicuous. 

Bicycles thus can serve as the means of being healthy and respectful of the environment which inevitably is an imperative part of our responsibility as citizens. 




