
Rajasthan Allotted Rs 1,000 Crore To For Tourism Development In State: Minister

Out of this fund, Rs 600 crore have been allocated to enhance the tourism infrastructure, and the rest for branding and media planning for the state’s development as a top tourist destination.  

Samode Haveli, Rajasthan

Rajasthan government has allocated Rs 1,000 crore to the Tourism Development Fund in the current financial year, tourism minister Murari Lal Meena told the state assembly on Friday.

Out of this fund, Rs 600 crore have been allocated to enhance the tourism infrastructure, and the rest for branding and media planning for the state’s development as a top tourist destination.  

Meena, in response to a supplementary question during the Question Hour, said that a provision of Rs 100 crore was made in 2020-21 for the development of tourism in the state, which was increased to 500 crore in 2021-22, and to Rs 1,000 in the current financial year.  

He said that due to the Covid pandemic, the industry that was affected most adversely was tourism, due to which the sanctioned amount could not be spent.

But since thing are now looking up, the amount will be used to promote tourism in the state, Meena said.

(With PTI Inputs)




