
How Online Therapy Can Help You

The pandemic has taught us that virtual therapy is practical and accessible. It has really become popular as a result of the new norm of social distance, and experts predict that it will stay that way.

Online Therapy

Throughout the pandemic, many of us had to deal with grief, a crumbling economy, unemployment, boredom, and loneliness. There has been much discussion about the impact on our mental health, with reports of increasing anxiety, alcoholism, depression, and worsening psychological health.  

Several people have been seeking online therapy via text, audio phone calls, video conferencing, and emails, many are talking to someone about their wellbeing for the first time. The way we assist persons with psychological discomfort is undergoing a quiet, global change. 

Since mental health awareness has never been higher, the collective nature of the crisis has taught many people how important it is to maintain our mental health in the same manner we would our physical health. 

Online therapy is here to help, in person and online 

To combat the disruptions to in-person mental health services, the World Health Organisation (WHO) revealed in October 2020 that over 70% of countries have now implemented therapy sessions through video calls.  

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, demand for services in New York City increased by 65%, while researchers in the Netherlands reported that the pandemic caused a radical shift in how practitioners deliver treatments, as well as an unexpected increase in online psychotherapeutic sessions. Also, more than 80% of high-income nations reported using internet counselling to fill in any gaps in in-person,  mental health care, according to the WHO. 

Digital or teletherapy may not be suited for some of the most in need, such as elderly persons, those who have reading challenges, or those with lower incomes, due to issues including having the necessary technology, internet access, and data fees. 

Prioritising self-care  

We have discovered from the pandemic that treatment, regardless of the mode of delivery, can be long-lasting and efficient. It also demonstrated how technology's inherent accessibility to internet counselling can increase people's access to mental health care. 

With the press of a button and a few seconds, someone can join a session without having to travel to the therapist's office. A 50-minute session lasts only 50 minutes as opposed to 50 minutes plus commute time and scheduling changes. 

Online therapy is becoming increasingly stigma-free 

In addition to saving time, teletherapy enables patients to access therapy from locations that may be more convenient. People could begin or continue counselling without leaving their homes thanks to online possibilities. Some participants were able to complete their sessions in parked cars while others during their lunch break if all they have is an hour to see the therapist.  

Online therapy increases a person's access to therapists, which is beneficial for those who live in rural areas, don't have access to specialised therapists in their area, or are looking for a therapist who meets specific criteria (Marriage counsellor, child specialist, etc.). The laws permit therapists to see clients in any location regardless of distance. 

Returning to normal  

While teletherapy may be more widely available, it can also be challenging for those without access to computers, smartphones, landlines, or technology-savvy individuals. As a result, in-person therapy is still very much in demand. Online counselling is here to stay, but it won't be the only way to get treatment for mental health issues. Even when we gradually return to a normal life, it is important to continue making time for yourself and your mental health care. 

You should speak with your therapist if you need to reschedule your regular treatment session in order to adjust to teletherapy. Be your own best advocate. Your mental health needs to remain a top focus. 




