Art & Entertainment

PENTAGON's Hui Gears Up For Solo Debut In January 2024

PENTAGON's Hui will be making his solo debut next month, officials confirm.


PENTAGON fans, mark your calendars because Hui is set to make his solo debut early next year!

Scheduled for January 24, PENTAGON's main vocalist, Hui, will step into the spotlight with his solo debut. Since joining PENTAGON in October 2016, he has captivated fans with his mindblowing vocals, garnering immense love and attention. Hui gained even more popularity earlier in 2023 through Mnet's reality show, 'Boys Planet,' securing an impressive No. 11 spot in the final rankings. With Hui's solo debut just around the corner, anticipation is running high among fans.

On December 11, Daily Sports reported that Lee Hoe-taek, popularly known by his stage name, Hui, will release his solo album in January of next year. In response to the report, PENTAGON’s agency Cube Entertainment commented, “It is true that Hui is preparing for his solo album. We are aiming to release [the album] in January of next year.”

This solo debut is happening after approximately eight years since Hui's debut with PENTAGON, during which he contributed to the creation of hits like 'Shine,' 'Naughty Boy,' 'SHA LA LA,' and many more.

Additionally, Hui's production credits extend to 'Produce 101 Season 2' evaluation song 'Never,' Wanna One's debut track 'Energetic,' and 'Produce X 101' evaluation song 'Boyness,' showcasing his diverse musical talents beyond his role as a vocalist. He is also a songwriter, a composer, and an actor.

PENTAGON made their debut in 2016 with ten members: Jinho, Hui, Hongseok, Shinwon, Yeo One, Yan An, Yuto, Kino, Wooseok, and E'Dawn. However, E'Dawn parted ways with the group in 2018. 





