‘Despicable Me 4’ is the sequel to ‘Despicable Me 3’ (2017), the fourth main installment and sixth overall in the ‘Despicable Me’ franchise. Chris Renaud directed the film, Patrick Delage co-directed, Chris Meledandri and Brett Hoffman produced, and Mike White and Ken Daurio wrote the screenplay. The film features the voices of Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Pierre Coffin, Joey King, Miranda Cosgrove, Stephen Colbert, Steve Coogan, Sofía Vergara, Renaud, Madison Polan, Dana Gaier, Chloe Fineman, and Will Ferrell.
The makers organised a premiere of the film in New York recently. The who’s who attached to the film came down to have a look at their hard work bear fruits. The movie premiere was a success as the cast was seen in all smiles as photogs caught them up on the red carpet. Here are a few glimpses from the film premiere:
1. Kristen Wiig
Kristen Wiig attends the premiere of ‘Despicable Me 4’ at Rose Theater Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York.
2. Curt Smith
Curt Smith from the band Tears For Fears attends the premiere of ‘Despicable Me 4’ at Rose Theater Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York.
3. Dana Gaier, Chloe Fineman, Will Ferrell, Madison Polan, Kristen Wiig, Steve Carell, Miranda Cosgrove And Joey King
Cast members, from left, Dana Gaier, Chloe Fineman, Will Ferrell, Madison Polan, Kristen Wiig, Steve Carell, Miranda Cosgrove and Joey King pose together at the premiere of ‘Despicable Me 4’ at Rose Theater Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York.
4. Joey King
Joey King attends the premiere of ‘Despicable Me 4’ at Rose Theater Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York.
5. Minion Characters
Minion characters attend the premiere of ‘Despicable Me 4’ at Rose Theater Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York.
6. Dana Gaier
Dana Gaier attends the premiere of ‘Despicable Me 4’ at Rose Theater Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York.
7. Will Ferrell Poses With His Family
Will Ferrell, second from left, poses with his family at the premiere of ‘Despicable Me 4’ at Rose Theater Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York.
8. Miranda Cosgrove
Miranda Cosgrove attends the premiere of ‘Despicable Me 4’ at Rose Theater Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York.
9. Will Ferrell, Kristen Wiig And Steve Carell
Will Ferrell, left, Kristen Wiig and Steve Carell attend the premiere of ‘Despicable Me 4’ at Rose Theater Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York.
10. Diva Smith, Curt Smith And Wilder Smith
Singer Curt Smith from the band Tears For Fears, center, poses with his daughters Diva Smith, left, and Wilder Smith at the premiere of ‘Despicable Me 4’ at Rose Theater Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York.