
Punjab: Leopard Hit By Vehicle On Chandigarh-Ambala Highway, Dies

The concerned wildlife range officer went to the spot and found that the animal was dead, said the official, adding that the animal's body was taken into custody.

Umer Asif recalls the time he embedded with wildlife officials in pursuit of leopards in Srinagar

A leopard died after being hit by a car on the Chandigarh-Ambala National Highway near Derabassi in Punjab's Mohali, an official said on Saturday. Divisional Forest Officer (wildlife) Kulraj Singh said they received information about the incident at around 1 am.

The concerned wildlife range officer went to the spot and found that the animal was dead, said the official, adding that the animal's body was taken into custody. The post mortem of the animal was conducted on Saturday, said Singh. As the animal comes under schedule-1 of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, it was consigned to flames, said the officer.




