
It's Important That Maldives Quickly Returns To Democracy And Rule Of Law: India

It's Important That Maldives Quickly Returns To Democracy And Rule Of Law: India

India today said it is important that Maldives quickly returns to democracy and rule of law. 

India also said that it expects that there will be no extension of emergency upon its expiry in Maldives.

President Abdulla Yameen had declared a state of emergency in Maldives on February 5, 2018, and it comes to an end this evening.

"It is our expectation that the Government of Maldives will not be seeking extension of the State of Emergency so that the political process in Maldives can resume with immediate effect," the external affairs ministry said in a statement.

The ministry also asked the Maldivian government to implement its Supreme Court order of February 1, regarding the release of exiled former leader Mohamed Nasheed and eight others, in "letter and spirit".

The ministry also observed that after the revocation of the emergency, democratic institutions, including the judiciary, should be allowed to function independently and in a fair and transparent manner in accordance with the Constitution.

"It is important that Maldives quickly returns to the path of democracy and the rule of law so that the aspirations of Maldivian people are met and the concerns of the international community are assuaged," it said.

Yesterday, Yameen submitted a request to the Maldivian Parliament, seeking extension of emergency by a period of 30 days, holding that the threat to national security has not diminished and the Constitutional crisis has not been resolved.The issue is expected to be decided by the Majlis today.

India had earlier also expressed concern over the situation in Maldives.

In a press release, issued on February 6, the MEA had said,"We are disturbed by the declaration of a State of Emergency in the Maldives following the refusal of the Government to abide by the unanimous ruling of the full bench of the Supreme Court on 1 February, and also by the suspension of Constitutional rights of the people of Maldives".

The arrest of the Supreme Court Chief Justice and political figures are also reasons for concern, it had said, adding that the government continues to carefully monitor the situation.




