
ISRO's Meteorological Satellite INSAT-3DS Launches From Sriharikota | Watch

After the launch, INSAT-3DS Mission Director Tomy Joseph said, "Naughty boy GSLV has matured into a very obedient and disciplined boy."

GSLV-F14/INSAT-3DS Mission: INSAT-3DS meteorological satellite launched by ISRO from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota. Photo: PTI

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) launched Meteorological satellite INSAT-3DS at around 5:30 pm on Saturday.

As per ISRO, the satellite is "designed for enhanced meteorological observations and monitoring of land and ocean surfaces for weather forecasting and disaster warning, with state-of-the-art payloads."

The mission, in which the meteorological satellite is on-board a Geosynchronous Launch Vehicle (GSLV) rocket, aims to provide continuity of services to the existing operational INSAT-3D and INSAT-3DR for enhanced meteorological observations, monitoring of land and ocean surfaces for weather forecasting and disaster warning.

With the above mentioned objectives, the mission also eyes providing Satellite aided Research and Rescue Services.

The 27.5 hour mission countdown commenced at 2.30 pm on Friday from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Andhra Pradesh's for the launch scheduled later this evening at the pre-fixed time of 5.35 pm from the second launch pad.

ISRO Officials, Ministers react to launch

ISRO chief S Somnath addressed the scientists after the successful launch of the meteorological satellite from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh.

He said, "I would like to congratulate everybody for this accomplishment. INSAT 3DS is the next generation weather satellite with improved capability over the existing INSAT series which is there in orbit. This will augment the capability of various atmospheric parameters that leads to information related to weather and climate."

Union MoS of Science and Technology Dr Jitendra Singh posted a congratulatory message on X, he wrote, "Celebrating the launch of INSAT 3DS …the latest generation Climate/Weather satellite. Proud to be associated with Department of Space at a time when Team ISRO continues to accomplish one success after the other, with personal patronage from PM Shri(sic) @narendramodi."

INSAT-3DS Mission Director Tomy Joseph also spoke to the scientists on Saturday and he said, “The ‘Naught Boy’ (ISRO’s GSLV-F14 rocket) has now become a mature, disciplined and obedient boy. I congratulate and salute all the ISRO ‘family’ members for this achievement. This is GSLV’s tenth mission, and the payload has been increased by almost 50 kilograms this time. I am grateful to higher management and ISRO chairman for the opportunity (of leading the mission)."

About ISRO's INSAT-3DS Satellite

INSAT-3DS Satellite is a follow-on mission of Third Generation Meteorological Satellite from Geostationary Orbit. GSLV-F14/INSAT-3DS mission is fully funded by the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), as per information given on

"It is designed for enhanced meteorological observations and monitoring of land and ocean surfaces for weather forecasting and disaster warning. The satellite will augment the Meteorological services along with the presently operational INSAT-3D and INSAT-3DR satellites. Indian Industries have significantly contributed to the making of the Satellite," says.

The three stage rocket, with a cryogenic upper stage, after a flight of about 20 minutes, is expected to separate the INSAT, weighing 2,274 kgs, from the GSLV rocket, to be placed into the Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit.

The 51.7 metre tall rocket, would carry imager payloads, sounder payloads, data relay transponders, Satellite aided Search and Rescue transponders to study the cloud properties, fog, rainfall, snow cover, snow depth, fire, smoke, land and ocean, the space agency said.




