Hate Speech

Crime Against Humanity 
Volume I
An inquiry into the carnage in Gujarat 
List of Incidents and Evidence 
By Concerned Citizens Tribunal -Gujarat 2002
Incidents of Post-Godhra Violence

Annexure 10 
Hate Speech

The carnage in Gujarat was marked by unprecedented levels of hate speech and hate propaganda. Someexamples:

Chief Minister Narendra ModiTerming the (Godhra) attack as ‘pre-planned, violent act of terrorism’, Mr Modi said thatstate government was viewing this attack seriously.— The Times of India, Feb 28, 2002.

“With the entire population of Gujarat very angry at what happened in Godhra muchworse was expected”.— Narendra Modi, at a Press Conference in Gujarat, Feb 28, 2002.

Modi said he was ‘absolutely satisfied’ with the way in which the police and State Govern-ment handled the backlash from Godhra incident and ‘happy’ that violence was largely con-tained… “We should be happy that curfew has been imposed only at 26 places while there isanger and people are burning with revenge. Thanks to security arrangements we broughtthings under control”.When asked that not a policeman was visible in most areas where shopswere looted and set on fire, he said he hadn’t received any complaint.— The Indian Express, March 1, 2002.

“Investigations have revealed that the firing by the Congressman played a pivotal role ininciting the mob.” — CM Narendra Modi on Chamanpura incident where former MP AhsanJaffri was burned alive with 19 of his relatives. On being asked what could have lead to the Ex-MP opening fire it was ‘probably in his nature’ to do so.— The Hindustan Times, March 2, 2002.

Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Friday termed ‘barbaric’ the murder of formerCongress MP Ehsan Jafri along with 19 of his family members, but said there was firing frominside the house.— The Indian Express, March 2, 2002

Asked about the violence, Modi quoted Newton’s third law – ‘every action has an equal andopposite reaction’ -to virtually justify what is happening.— The Times of India, March 3, 2002.

Chief Minister Narendra Modi said on March 4: “The situation is totally under control.There is no threat to any life. Everything is functioning normally. That is all I can say. I will meetpeople and give them confidence”.— The Indian Express, March 5, 2002.

“It is unfortunate that along with the communal violence that is dangerous for any country,a non-violent secular violence also gets unleashed in the country at the same time by the media.”— CM Shri Narendra Modi, at a press conference in Gandhinagar on March 5, 2002.

Mr Modi said the Godhra incident was not a communal riot. Godhra was a ‘mass murder,a terrorist act aimed at long-term damage’.— The Times of India, March 7, 2002, quoting from Shri Modi’s address to the Chamber of Commerceand Industry, Gujarat.

“I am determined to take out the yatra and tell the world the Gaurav Gatha [Story of Pride]of five crore people of the state. It is not the story of Godhra, Naroda Patia or Gulmarg.Gujarat was not a state of murderers, rapists as the pseudo-secularists, fanatic and powerhungry Congress leaders are attempting to project,” Modi said.– Shri Narendra Modi Aug 28, 2002

Last week, in Banaskantha, Narendra Modi told a public meeting how “five crore peopleof Gujarat have voted me the best chief minister of the country but the jealous Congress istrying to malign me.”– The Asian Age, Aug 28, 2002

“Relief camps are actually child-making factories. Those who keep on multiplying the popu-lation should be taught a lesson.—Shri Narendra Modi, addressing a rally in Mehsana district during his gaurav yatra, quoted in TheHindu, Sept 10, 2002.

TV tapes prove Modi attacked MuslimsIn the excerpts of the audiotape, a voice — reportedly that of Mr Modi — is heard makinginflammatory speeches in Gujarati. The English translation is as follows: “I told them that I gotwater from Narmada in the month of Shravan. If they had it their way, they would have got itin Ramzan.…What should we do? Run relief camps for them? Do we want to open baby-producing centres? We are five and we will have 25 offspring. Gujarat has not been able tocontrol its growing population and poor people have not been able to get money.”—The Asian Age, Sept 15, 2002

Former Commissioner of Police,Ahmedabad , Shri P.C. Pande(he was CP when the carnage took place)Nothing illustrates police role better than police commissioner P.C. Pande’s statement that,“Police were not insulated from the general social milieu… (When) there’s a change in theperception of society, the police are part of it and there’s bound to be some contagion effect”.-– The Telegraph, March 2, 2002

“For the first time in years, we have had an upsurge of popular sentiment that broughttogether Dalits, tribals and middle-class Hindus on the same platform,” he said.— The Telegraph, March 6, 2002, from a Delhi dateline report filed by the daily’s special correspondent,quoting a BJP minister in the central government, without identifying the person quoted.


“He (Narendra Modi) has salvaged the party’s credibility and honour in a way no one hasdone after we came to power in the Centre.”— A Union minister from the BJP, not identified by name, quoted in The Telegraph, March 6, 2002.

“Modi was the only one who had the guts to defend what happened in his state withoutbatting an eyelid or being red-faced. He did not say one thing one day and another the nextday.”— ‘BJP sources’, not identified by name, quoted in The Telegraph, March 6, 2002.

“After the post-Godhra spontaneous Hindu upsurge, the party will have to consider thepeople’s strong feelings on Hindutva and nationalism”.– Bharat Pandya, BJP MLA, quoted in India Today, March 18, 2002. The report added that at a closed-door meeting with party president, Shri Jana Krishnamurthy in Ahmedabad, MLA after MLA of the BJPtalked of reverting to the Hindutva track.


“The charge that Muslims did not take much interest in the national movement is correct.They don’t consider India their home.”—Vinay Katiyar, BJP’s UP president, purportedly quoting Mahatma Gandhi and Shri Ambedkar, inhis first address to the UP state council of the BJP as its president, quoted in The Statesman, Aug 6, 2002,.

“Let Muslims look upon Ram as their hero and the communal problems will all be over”.— RSS mouthpiece, Organiser, June 20, 1971.

“Let Muslims understand that their real safety lies in the goodwill of the majority”.— RSS resolution at its Bangalore meet, March 18, 2002.


“Now, it is the end of tolerance. If the Muslims do not learn, it will be very harmful for them.”— Harish Bhai Bhatt, VHP leader, quoted in Mid-Day from a New York Times report, March 6, 2002

“It had to be done”, VHP leader says of riots. In a startling revelation, Professor KeshavramKashiram Shastri, 96-year-old chairman of the Gujarat unit of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad,told rediff.com that the list of shops owned by Muslims in Ahmedabad was prepared on themorning of February 28 itself.— http://www.rediff.com/news/2002/mar/12train.htm

Barely three months after the Gujarat Carnage, the VHP announced its intentions to test waron jihad in UP. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad plans to turn Uttar Pradesh into a laboratory for carrying out experiments aimed at promoting the feeling of Hindutva among Hindus andstarting a campaign against “the Muslim mentality of jihad.” The firebrand VHP leader, Singhal,was quoted as having said that “Ab jahan jahan Godhra hoga wahan wahan Gujarat bhi hoga (wher-ever there is Godhra there will be Gujarat).” He said that Muslims “who nursed the jihadimentality” would be taught a lesson. “In Gujarat, for the time there has been a Hindu awaken-ing and Muslims have been turned into refugees. This is welcome sign and Gujarat has shownthe way to the country. Politics in India will now be based on the Hindu community – Jo Hinduhit ki baat karega woh Bharat pe raaj karega “(A Hindu who talks about his rights, will rule India),”he said.—The Asian Age, June 6, 2002


Modi is He-Man, Lyngdoh has religious bias: VHP

“Both the CEC and the Congress president, Sonia Gandhi, are Christians and both wantedto postpone elections. Post-Dangs, Lyngdoh had shown his bias [against Hindus] in a lecturedelivered at the IAS academy in Mussoorie,” VHP international general secretary Praveen Togadiasaid in New Delhi.–rediff on net, Aug 25, 2002

“We’ll repeat our Gujarat experiment”Vishwa Hindu Parishad international working president Ashok Singhal today termed Gujaratas a ‘successful experiment’—and warned that it would be repeated all over India. Singhal, inAmritsar to inaugurate a physiotherapy centre at the Shivala Bhaian temple, said, “Godhrahappened on February 27 and the next day, 50 lakh Hindus were on the streets. We weresuccessful in our experiment of raising Hindu consciousness, which will be repeated all overthe country now.”—The Indian Express, Sept 4 2002


“Godhra happened and the next day, 50 lakh Hindus were on the streets. We were successfulin our experiment of raising Hindu consciousness, which will be repeated all over the countrynow…”— Ashok Singhal, speaking in glowing terms of the fact that whole villages had been “emptied of Islam.People say I praise Gujarat. Yes, I do”, inaugurating a physiotherapy center in Amritsar quoted in The AsianAge, September 4, 02

Gujarat to decide country’s politics: TogadiaVHP International general secretary Praveen Bhai Togadia warned that “Godhra ka uttar aajGandhinagar, kal Dilli aur parson Pakistan mein diya jayega” (the reply to Godhra will be giventoday in Gandhinagar, tomorrow in Delhi and the day after in Pakistan).— Praveen Togadia, international general secretary of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad in The Times of India,Sept 15, 2002


TV (Star News) tapes prove Modi attacked Muslims-By Sanjay BasakNew Delhi, Sept. 15: Brushing aside the evidence produced by a television channel onGujarat chief minister Narendra Modi’s derogatory remarks on Muslims, and ignoring Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee’s censure of the state administration following the Gujarat carnage, deputy prime minister L.K. Advani on Sunday stood firmly behind Mr Modi and saidhis “Gaurav Yatra” was an example to be followed by the BJP.

The VHP, meanwhile, has decided to bring out another “yatra” in support of Mr Modi inGujarat. The BJP president, Mr M. Venkaiah Naidu, who only a few days back was reportedto have pulled up the Gujarat chief minister for his remarks against the minority community,on Sunday appeared to retract his censure, and clarified that he had merely “cautioned” MrModi “since there was a scope of misinterpretation.” He added that the “matter ended afterModi claimed he never made anti-minority comments.”


However, Mr Modi’s assertion and Mr Naidu’s claim that no anti-Muslim statements weremade during the Gaurav Yatra was challenged by Star News, which produced tapes with MrModi’s recorded voice, taking a snipe at and ridiculing the minority community in Gujarat. Thestate intelligence department had also cautioned the additional chief secretary (home) in a letter(J/2/BJP/Yatra/525/02 dated September 9) that such a speech could cause communal ten-sion in the state.

The tape, broadcast by the television channel, gives a new twist to the controversy in the lightof the Gujarat government’s denial of the existence of any tapes and the text of Mr Modi’sspeech during the rally at Besraji village in Mehsana district on September 9. The NationalCommission on Minorities has asked for a copy of the tape following a furore over MrModi’s remarks.


That Mr Modi, who lacked any caste-based support in Gujarat and was still regarded as an“outsider” by the locals, was trying to cash in on a communal divide, becomes somewhatevident following the airing of the tapes by the TV channel. In the excerpts of the audiotape,a voice — reportedly that of Mr Modi — is heard making inflammatory speeches in Gujarati.The English translation is as follows:

“I told them that I got water from Narmada in the month of Shravan. If they had it theirway, they would have got it in Ramzan...

“What should we do? Run relief camps for them? Do we want to open baby-producingcentres? We are five and we will have 25 offspring. Gujarat has not been able to control itsgrowing population and poor people have not been able to get money.”


The tapes clearly demonstrate how Mr Modi, in search of the “Hindu vote,” tried to play tothe gallery. He went on with his tirade against Muslims thus: “There is a long queue for childrenwho fix tyre punctures. In order to progress, every child in Gujarat needs education, goodmanners and employment. That is the economy we need.”

Once again targeting Muslims, he ended with what appeared to be a warning: “For this wehave to teach a lesson to those who are increasing population at an alarming rate.”

While the BJP president refused to answer any question on Mr Modi, claiming that thiswould only “create further tension,” the chief minister’s principal mentor in the party, MrAdvani, virtually gave him a pat on the back and praised his Gaurav Yatra, saying it was anexample for the BJP to follow. “The massive turnout at the Gujarat Gaurav Yatra is a source ofnervousness for the opposition.


“When the opposition denigrates Gujarat as ‘Godse’s Gujarat’ the need for restoring Gujarat’sgaurav is more,” Mr Advani told BJP leaders who had assembled for the party office-bearers’meeting on Sunday.

The deputy prime minister went on: “Just as the yatra is a highly-successful programme, we must now work with devotion to make the Gaon Chalo Abhiyan and the proposed Decemberrally a success.”—http://www.asianage.com/main.asp?layout=2&cat1=1&cat2=22&newsid=19834

‘5 crore Gujaratis will chop off Miya Musharraf ’s hands’ — ModiAhmedabad, Sept. 15: Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi stooped down to a deplor-able new low in political rhetoric on Sunday while warning “Miya Musharraf ” that if he doesnot stop pointing his “dirty finger towards Gujarat, five crore people of Gujarat will nothesitate to chop off his hand and teach him a lesson.”


Besides this, the chief minister has got advertisements published in newspapers asking thepublic to decide between “Modi and Musharraf.”

Mr Modi, who called Gen. Musharraf “Miya” at least eight times, made the distastefulremark of Gujarat chopping off his hand at a thinly-attended public meeting at Visaavadar inSaurashtra where he ridiculed the Pakistan President for “daring” to point his “dirty finger” atGujarat. Visaavadar is the constituency of former chief minister Keshubhai Patel, who wasconspicuous by his absence on Sunday.

Mr Modi, who has been strictly warned by New Delhi not to make offensive and abusiveremarks, was reportedly annoyed at thin attendance at Visaavadar and lost his cool when groups ofpeople shouted slogans hailing former chief minister Keshubhai Patel, thereby interrupting his speech.Mr Modi had mellowed down and refrained himself from making personal remarks onany leaders till Saturday evening, after he was reprimanded, for describing the Muslim philoso-phy of life as “hum paanch hamare pacchis” and stressed that he will not allow relief camps tofacilitate unending production of children last week. He, however, regained his old self andindulged in heavy Musharraf and Congress bashing in Saurashtra on Sunday. It must be notedthat the Saurashtra region had remained completely peaceful during the recent spate of com-munal riots and these provocative speeches by the chief minister has shocked the local popu-lation, who see a sinister design in dividing them on the basis of community.


Attacking “Miya Musharraf ” for daring to raise Gujarat at the United Nations, Mr Modisaid, “I am aware of what Miya Musharraf is doing in Pakistan.” The Gujarat chief ministeradded, “A systematic cleansing of the Ahmediya Muslim community is going on in Pakistan.Muslims who are minorities are being harassed, but Indian leaders don’t talk about it becauseit is an internal issue of Pakistan.

“And here we have a Miya who is pointing his dirty finger at Gujarat,” he screamed, tellingthe crowds that it was a matter of gaurav (pride) for Gujarat not to let the ‘Miya’ point his dirtyfinger towards Gujarat. “Stop doing this Miya Musharraf or five crore people of Gujarat willchop off the hand which has this dirty finger that you point towards Gujarat,” he roared.Instead of focusing on political rivals in Gujarat or the rest of the country, Mr Modi hasnow stooped to a level where he has asked people to choose between him and Gen. Musharraf.On Sunday, under the banner of the Rashtriya Chetna Manch, advertisements were issued askingthe public to take a decision between “Musharraf and Modi.” While the BJP claims that it hasnot issued these advertisements, party sources confirm that they have been issued under directinstructions from the chief minister.


The advertisements have mugshots of Mr Modi and Gen. Musharraf and asks people tochoose between them. “Musharraf calls it Hindu Terrorism. This is Nationalism for Modi.One insults the country. The other maintains the country’s self-respect.”

Right below the mugshots (Musharraf ’s picture also has a Pakistan flag emblem), there is anexclamatory message which asks the readers: “Faislo tamaro (the decision is yours)!”At a public meeting at Visaavadar and Lalpar, Mr Modi also lashed out at Mrs Sonia Gandhi’s“sketchy knowledge”. “Mrs Gandhi earlier thought that Jagannath is some politician like ourdeputy prime minister Advaniji, who is going to take out a yatra.”


“She did not even know Lord Jagannath and yet she wants to rule our country,” he thun-dered, adding that the Congress was largely responsible for spreading canards about Gujarat atthe national and international level. “But the people of Gujarat will decide soon on whetherthey want Soniaji around or whether they want someone else,” he said.—http://www.asianage.com/main.asp?layout=2&cat1=1&cat2=22&newsid=19831

25 to 625: look Modi’s countingToday Narendra Modi moved from Hum paanch, hamare pachees to Paanch na pachees ane pachees na625, which roughly translates into “from five to 25 and from 25 to 625.”-By Milind Ghatwai

Navsari, September 22: Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi’s concern over the country’sexploding population has no communal angle. That it has become such a recurrent theme in hisGujarat Gaurav Yatra is nothing diabolic. Today he moved from Hum paanch, hamare pachees to Paanchna pachees ane pachees na 625, which roughly translates into “from five to 25 and from 25 to 625.”


But, Modi clarified during the Chikhli leg of the yatra today, his newest remark wasn’tdirected at Muslims, rather, at those who “who didn’t believe in family planning.”

“There was a hue and cry over my statements at Becharaji but they still could not find thetapes,” Modi taunted reporters sitting with the crowd. “Now, journalists, especially those withtape recorders, should listen and tape carefully.” There was a long, theatrical pause, which wasspoilt somewhat by a cow that ran in front of his gaurav rath. When Modi finally spoke, he saidthe population had to be kept in check to ensure that every child to get proper education, andthat the Congress was “not taking any responsibility” because of “votebank politics.”


“In 5,000 years until independence, we were only 30 crore. But during the Congress regime,the population shot up to 100 crore,” he said. “There were no means of entertainment earlier,but why should the population rise today? When so many children are produced, they grow upto become cycle repairers or pick-pockets.”

The only time Modi ever named any community directly was at Khergan, which he visitedearlier in the day. There, he said Bohras had fewer education facilities and that their youth aspiredat best to become bus conductors. “Why can’t they think of becoming doctors or engineers?” heasked. And answered the question himself: “Because the Congress does not want them to comeforward. When Ehsan Jafri called up Congressmen for help, none of them came forward.”At Chikhli, Modi repeated a point made earlier at Becharaji as well: “The BJP is not ruling inChina but the country has introduced family planning. My utterances about family planninghave been given a communal colour. If something is wrong, it is wrong. I don’t know why theCongress is interested in increasing population. Probably to increase slums.”


At his next stop at Bilimora, he targeted “Godhrana papiyo” and the Congress. “The traincarnage accused are supplied chicken biryani and other delicacies in jail by people close to theCongress,” he said.

At Gandevi, “Miya Musharraf ” came under attack yet again.“He called us Hindu extremists. If Hindus were extremists, Pakistan would have been wiped out off the map,” he said to thunderous applause. “India has one and a half times moreMuslims than Pakistan. Unlike the minorities in Pakistan, they feel safe in India.” And “Itali nachasma” became “Itali ni goli” as he wondered why the Congress did not criticise Musharraf formentioning Gujarat to the United Nations General Assembly.


When reporters later questioned Modi on why he linked Abu Salem’s arrest with Friday’sviolence in Vadodara, he said he had received intelligence reports that trouble began almostimmediately after news of the gangster’s detention in Lisbon trickled in.—http://www.indian-express.com/full_story.php?content_id=9999

By Nandini Oza DH News Service Vadodara, Sept 22:  Jehangir Pathan, the father of 16-year-old AltafPathan who died inpolice firing on Friday, is too shocked to speak. But more than what happened to him duringthe Lord Ganesha procession, his neighours and fellow Muslims are traumatized by caretakerchief minister Narendra Modi’s statement and police commissioner D D Tuteja’s assumptionthat don Abu Salem’s arrest sparked off the violence.


As Altaf ’s family mourns his death on the third day, Muslims of the Machhipeeth area wherehe was shot angrily ask as to what connection they have with Salem.

Perturbed over what happened, the residents have shot off letters to the President and thepolice commissioner demanding action against a police constable, who they allege ordered thefiring. Altaf had gone to buy grocery for his store. When contacted, Mr Tuteja said he hashanded over the inquiry to a senior officer. Regarding the Salem connection, in a turnaroundfrom Saturday’s statement he said it was just a hunch.

On Saturday, soon after Mr Modi linked the Vadodara riots with Salem, Mr Tuteja toofollowed suit. On Sunday he said the violence may have something to do with a meeting onApril 27 when 18 leaders came and reportedly gave instigating speeches.


The violence is believed to have been sparked off from near the same mosque. Had thepolice not exercised restraint, the situation would have worsened, he said, explaining that 12policemen were injured. Demanding that even Dawood Ibrahim should be shot dead in pub-lic, 70-year-old Haji Sabir Patel, a local leader, wonders how Fatehpura can have a strong linkwith Salem.

If violence had to occur it would have occurred in Mumbai, the residents say. Violencestarted from Fatehpura. Expressing concern that the Quran was also damaged in one of themosques in the city, another resident Arif Malek maintains that if Muslims had to indulge inviolence they would have done so during the Jagannath Yatra earlier this year.Malek, an eyewitness to the Machhipeeth incident alleges that Hindu youths, who weretaking out the Ganesha procession, were shouting vulgar anti-Muslim slogans. Shops ownedby Muslims were looted and within minutes stone throwing began followed by police shoot-ing at Altaf and one Mustaf, who is undergoing treatment at SSG Hospital. Incidentally, theMuslims had observed a curfew on Friday.


Another Muslim student of Macchipeeth considers Mr Tuteja’s statements as baseless andsays the news of Salem trickled in around 5 pm and violence began in Fatehpura town im-mediately. The People’s Union for Civil Liberties and Shanti Abhiyan have strongly condemnedstatements by Mr Modi and Mr Tuteja saying that it reflects their prejudiced understanding. Jagdish Shah of the organisation alleged that such a statement clearly indicates Mr Modi’s “fascist”leanings.Meanwhile, the situation is peaceful in Borsad where police had to lob teargas shells tocontrol the two communities who indulged in stone throwing late on Saturday night. This isone of the latest which has plagued Gujarat. Recently chief minister Narendra Modi alleged tohave made damaging remarks against minorities.—http://www.deccanherald.com/deccanherald/sept23/n15.htm


19 September : “Should we run relief camps? Open child producing centres?”On September 9, the Gujarat Gaurav Yatra rolled into Becharaji, where chief ministerNarendra Modi delivered his by now infamous Hum paanch, hamare pachees speech. This is thespeech that the National Commission for Minorities (NCM) now wants a text of for itsapparently inflammatory content. And this is the speech that the Gujarat Government claimedthat it had been unable to trace a copy of—Modi’s principal secretary P K Mishra had earliertold The Indian Express: “Since the government has neither any tapes nor a transcript of theCM’s speech, it is not in a position to send the same to the NCM.” Excerpts from a translationof an audio recording of the speech, courtesy NDTV:


“Power hungry people are out to defame Gujarat. At such a time, the five crore people ofGujarat will gain strength from the blessings of Becharaji to build tomorrow’s glorious Gujarat.

“We are dubbed Hinduwadi because we have allocated Rs. eight crore towards the develop-ment of Becharaji. Is it our fault? Are we communal?

“The Congress also accuses me of bringing the Narmada waters to the Sabarmati river inthe month of Shravan. But the dam has already been built... I want to ask the Congress, why doyou object if people on the banks of the Sabarmati derive spiritual peace through the Narmadawaters brought in the month of Shravan? When you come to power, you are free to bringwater during Ramzan.


“When we allocate funds for Becharaji, they do not like it. And if we bring Narmada watersin the month of Shravan, then too they say they dislike it. So what should we do? Do we go andrun relief camps? Should we open child producing centres?

“We want to firmly implement family planning. Hum paanch, humare pachees (We five, our 25)(laughs). Who will benefit from this development? Is family planning not necessary in Gujarat?Where does religion come in its way? Where does community come in its way?

“The population is rising in Gujarat, money isn’t reaching the poor? What’s the reason? Theymake a beeline, fix cycle punctures (Audience laughs).


“If Gujarat is to be developed, then an economic system has to be developed where everychild born in Gujarat gets education, manners and employment. And for this, those who aremultiplying population at a rapid rate will need to learn a lesson. If we object to populationgrowth, then too they dislike it. Will someone please tell me is there any (such) country in theworld? Is there BJP rule in China? Yet, China has enacted laws to control population growth.Arrey, what does religion have to do with this?

“We talk of madrasas. Madrasas have flourished in Gujarat. A child has a right to primaryeducation. But a child going to a madrasa is deprived of primary education. What will such achild do once he grows up?


“Those who have got no education, and got only religious education, would they not be-come a burden on Gujarat?

“We started thinking about madrasas in Gujarat. When we express concern over madrasas,they call us communal. Why? The Communist government in West Bengal applies laws inmadrasas, curbs their activities, and it is still secular? And if we try to regulate madrasas in Gujarat,we are dubbed as communal? After all, any institution has to be regulated.

“If Gujarat needs peace, a long-term plan has to be drawn. The merchants of death will notbe allowed to run their activities in Gujarat as they like.


“And as I sit here at this seat of strength, standing at the feet of mother Becharaji, I want toassure you that the high seat (of power) may go today or tomorrow, but I will not allow themerchants of death who want to destroy Gujarat and harass the innocents to settle here.

“Gujarat needs prosperity, it needs peace. Gujarat is forging ahead on the unity and strengthof its five crore people. The days are gone when Dawood Ibrahim sitting in Karachi couldinstruct the merchants of death here and Gujarat could be set on fire. We will not allow this.

“What for? For power? Power may go today or tomorrow. We have not applied Fevicol onthe chair. We are sitting at the feet of the people of Gujarat. If people feel we are performing,they will welcome us, otherwise they will throw us out.


“If the Congress is afraid of going to the people, then they should come out openly and saythat since they are sure of their defeat, the election should be delayed. Indira Gandhi had doneit too. You do it, who’s stopping you?

“But no, they abuse Gujarat and Gujaratis instead. If you abuse Gujarat, that is not accept-able to us. Come out openly and give us a fight if you are strong enough. Why do you escapeinstead?

“It is I who has been defamed. Yet, I am ready to go to the people. You go straight to Italy,plead with the Election Commission to stop polls. But we are not like you, we are proud ofapproaching the people. We take pride in applying the dust from people’s feet onto our fore-heads.


“Italy’s daughter has insulted Gujarat and its five crore people. The land of Sardar Patel isinsulted. This has got to be explained. Sanjay (Gandhi) was only Maneka’s husband. Yet, it is hissamadhi that lies in Delhi, not that of Sardar Patel. The Congress is out to erase Sardar Patel’sname, but beware.”—http://www.indian-express.com/full_story.php?content_id=9714

Times News Network

Rajkot, Oct 18: A Sants’ Sammelan organised here on Thursday by the Vishwa HinduParishad has called for serious action to protect temples all over the country. Sants, in some no-holds-barred speeches, called upon Hindus to unite and give a befitting reply to the attack onthe temples in the country.


The sammelan also received political acceptance with the participation of senior BJP leaders,including Union minister of state for heavy industry Vallabh Kathiria, former minister VajubhaiVala, senior leader Chiman Shukla, Vijay Rupani and a host of other BJP leaders.

The sants’ meet also unanimously passed a seven-point resolution which included handingover of the Ram Janmabhoomi complex to the Hindus, curbing terrorist activities in Gujarat,saving Jammu and Kashmir from disintegration and creating awareness against Jehadi elements.VHP international general secretary Pravin Togadia said “time was ripe for forming a sepa-rate army of Hindu youths who would protect the religion from attacks by the Jehadis.”


VHP president Ashok Singhal, who also attended the sammelan, said: “Religion alone canunite Hindus, as no amount of political planning can bring Hindus under one umbrella.”— http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/cms.dll/articleshow?artid=25511906

Mumbai, Oct 15: Shiv Sena supremo Bal Thackeray favours the formation of suicidesquads among Hindus to take on the menace of terrorism.

“If such suicide squads are formed only then can we take on perpetrators of mindlessviolence”, Thackeray said in party mouthpiece Saamna here on Tuesday.

The Sena chief, in his Dussehra message, exhorted people to be bold as he lashed out at stateand Central govenments for failing to effectively counter the scourge of terrorism.Meanwhile, following intelligence reports that Jaish-e-Mohammed militants have sneakedinto the metropolis, unprecedented security has been deployed at Shivaji Park in central Mumbai,where Thackeray is scheduled to address the annual Dussehra rally in the evening, according tohighly placed police sources.


Rapid Action Force and State Reserve Police personnel would be deployed around thevenue while armed policemen would be posted atop many of the buildings around the sprawlingground.

Similarly, the route from the Sena chief ’s residence in suburban Bandra to Shivaji Park willbe heavily guarded, sources added.


VHP decides to form suicide squads; Thackeray’s call touches home base

By A Staff Reporter

Taking a direct cue from Shiv Sena chief, Mr. Bal Thackeray’s Dassera exhortation, theVishwa Hindu Parishad has decided to form Hindu ‘suicide squads’ in Mumbai and NaviMumbai.

The Navi Mumbai unit of the VHP yesterday had a special meeting to discuss the matterand has decided to form such groups of 20-25 youth who will be responsible for workingagainst the evil designs of terrorists.


Expressing solidarity with Mr. Thackeray’s views, the VHP and Bajrang Dal have sworntheir active support to the formation of such squads. Mr. Thackeray clarified that he hadnot expressed his ire against the minorities but was firm about taking on anti-nationalMuslims. The Hindu outfits declared their readiness to go ahead with any instructionscoming from him.

Yesterday’s meeting at Navi Mumbai was attended by VHP Navi Mumbai unit chief, Mr.Pravinbhai Jain, and other office bearers like Uddhavrao Kharade, Yashwantrao Jadhav, RameshPatil and Bajrang Dal leader Kiran Vyavahare.

Meanwhile, Shiv Sainiks disrupted a religious meet organised by Shankaracharya SwamiNarendranand Saraswati at Wagle Estate, Thane, after he spoke derogatorily about Mr.Thackeray to journalists at a government guest house. The Shankaracharya had said thatMr. Thackeray did not have any genuine love for Hinduism and only indulged in public-ity stunts. This hurt the sentiments of the Sainiks and they stormed the religious meetand forced its closure.


—http://www.cybernoon.com/news/news1.htm 268

(This is the speech that VHP international general secretary Praveen Togadia made on Saturday at Lodiavillage—the epicentre of the earthquake in Gujarat’s Bhuj district—in the presence of State IndustryMinisterSuresh Mehta and Animal Husbandry Minister Devanand Solanki. Excerpts from the speech, which wasfirst reported by The Indian Express, as recorded on tape).

“When I came here, some friends told me that some organisations have requested that Ishould not say anything that will offend their feelings. Now they dictate to us what we shouldsay. But my question is, don’t you offend us?

“At Bhimasar police station, a complaint has been lodged. An 18-year-old boy was taken toRadhanpur six months ago and made a Muslim. If you do this, doesn’t this offend us? Wedon’t offend anybody’s feelings. But here our feelings have been hurt. Have you agitated againstthis?


“When you attack our Akshardham, does not this offend our feelings? When you burntpeople alive at Godhra station, does this not offend our feelings? When you destroy ourSomnath temple, does not this offend our feelings?

“When the so-called Babri Masjid which was, in fact, a Hindu temple was destroyed, Mus-lims became unhappy. They (Muslims) clamoured that Hindus had destroyed the masjid whichwas a Hindu temple. Here, were your feelings not hurt? They were. When Babar destroyed ourRam temple 450 years ago, were we not hurt then? When you burnt people at Godhra station,we have to respect your feelings. When you create bloodshed at Akshardham we have torespect your feelings, but should you not respect our feelings in such incidents?


“This type of mindset has produced the offspring of Gazni in this country. We have alwayslived peacefully for ages. Do you find any clash between the Parsees and Hindus? Is there anyconflict between Hindus and Jews? Is there any fight between Hindus and Buddhists? Do youfind any clash between Hindus and Sikhs? Why then there is conflict with some Muslims?

“When a survey conducted by the India Today magazine asked Muslims whether MohammadGazni, Aurangzeb and Jinnah, who was unfortunately from Gujarat, were among their heroes,one-third of the 12 crore Muslims gave an affirmative answer. How we can have a rapportwith you when you have this mentality? They certainly cannot be our heroes. If you still thinkthat your feelings are hurt, then you should go to Pakistan. If you have to live in this countryyou have to respect the feelings of Hindus. We have never hurt your feelings, you have. You arestill doing it.


“A well known Mumbai-based authority on Islam, Rafiq Zakaria, has written that only jihadisopposed Muslims. Of late, there is seen some protest against this mentality in some Muslims.Zakaria clearly says that Hindus are not at fault here as it is work of only jihadi Muslims.

“I will give you an example of a village near Viramgam where there was communal harmonybetween Muslims and Hindus who greet each other with ‘Ram Ram’ and ‘Salaam Valekum’ forages. But then came a maulvi from Uttar Pradesh. One day, on a Friday, a Muslim did not greetHindus. When the Hindu villagers asked the Muslim villagers for the reason behind this suddenchange in behaviour, they were told that the maulvi had told them not to wish kafirs on Friday.


“When the Godhra incident took place, the so-called secularists of this country did notcondemn it the same day. Those who disrupted Parliament for a whole month on the Rammandir issue didn’t raise this issue in Parliament. Then, the communal violence began fromFebruary 28. First, the puppies of Gujarat made noises and started barking. When it was feltthat this noise would not do, dogs from all over the country started coming here. Some came from Lucknow, some came from Kerala. Then we heard that a dog from Italy also made therounds here.

“There has been browbeating in Gujarat to delay the elections so that Hindu votes getdivided, so that people of Lohana community vote for their community candidates, so thatthe Darbars, Patels and Brahmins do the same. So that the supporters of Miya Musharrafcould rule here. Should we permit companions of Miya Musharraf to rule here?


“Therefore, never vote on the basis of caste. Vote on the basis of religion. If you do notvote on the basis of religion, there cannot be unity among the people of Gujarat.

“You think that Hindus could be suppressed with bomb explosions or violence? Weare five crore Hindus in Gujarat. If 50,000 Hindus get killed in a terrorist attack, the fivecrore figure will not get smaller. If you people who number 50,000 die, no one wouldbe left here from you.

“Our Soniaben is imported from abroad. But Muslims of India are not imported. IndianMuslims are converted Muslims. Therefore, Soniaben is a foreigner to us but Muslims are not.“Since the forefathers of Muslims are Hindus, how can the blood of Arabia flow in theirblood? I advise all Muslims to get themselves tested for their Hindu origin. I request IndianMuslims to get their genetics tested. The blood flowing in their blood vessels will be found tobe not of Prophet Mohammed but of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna. If it is proved that youhave the blood of Rama and Krishna, then how can there be any dispute with you? It is youwho are in conflict with us. If in the name of Prophet Mohammed, you pray in a mosque, wehave no objection. But if you talk of jihad, it is not acceptable to us.


“Gujarat is not the right place for jihad. You cannot harm Hindu religion and cultureby jihad because Hindus have the tradition of wearing a garland of flowers. But ourHindu deity wears a garland of human heads, we feel we wrongly adopted the traditionof wearing a garland of flowers.”





