
Chhattisgarh: IED Blast Kills CAF Head Constable In Bijapur

Head Constable Ram Ashish Yadav was part of an operation when he unknowingly stepped over a pressured IED, resulting in an explosion that caused his death.

IED Blast In Chhattisgarh (representative image)

A head constable of Chattisgarh Armed Forces was killed in an Improvised explosive device blast in the naxal-hit Bijapur district in Chhattisgarh on Sunday.

The device was planted by naxalites, reported PTI.

An official reportedly said that the incident occurred at around 3.30 pm near Bechapal Padampara village under Mirture Mirtur police station limits in Bijapur.

He added that a team of CAF was out on an area domination operation during the blast.

The operation was launched from Bechapal police camp towards Kutulpara village.

When the patrol team was passing near the camp, Head Constable Ram Ashish Yadav was part of operation when he unknowingly stepped over a pressured IED, resulting in an explosion that caused his death.

The body of the martyred personnel has been shifted to Mirtur.

Reportedly, a search operation was underway in Mirtur area to nab the perpetrators.




