
Pak-Bound Ship's Cargo Can Be Used For Military Purposes, Says DRDO

According to the report by DRDO experts, the seized large-size Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines are dual-use equipment and can be used for military applications, they added.

Representational Image | Photo: AP

In connection with the recent seizure of suspicious items likely for use in Pakistan’s nuclear weapons programme from a Pakistan-bound ship from China at Navi Mumbai's Nhava Seva port, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) on Monday submitted its official report to the authority.

Based on intelligence input, customs officials on Janury 23 halted the Karachi-bound ship 'CMA CGM Attila' from China at Navi Mumbai’s Nhava Sheva port. Suspecting the ship of containing a nuclear consignment to be used for Pakistan’s nuclear and ballistic missile programme, the ship was intercepted recently.

What did DRDO say?

As per DRDO's official report, the large-size Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines retrieved from the ship are dual-use equipment and thus are capable of being deployed in military applications. It has been reported that the transportation of the CNC machine was governed by the Wassenaar Arrangement. It is known as an international agreement designed to control the spread of items for both civilian and military uses.

As per PTI, investigations so far has also revealed irregularities in shipping details, suggesting attempts to hide the true recipients.

The incident is part of a pattern of seizures of dual-use military-grade items being shipped from China to Pakistan, sparking concerns about illicit procurement activities.




