
Try These 7 Foods That Complement Yoga Practice 

The ancient practice of yoga has gained prominence the world over. From youngsters to the older generation – everyone swears by yoga for its host of physical and mental health benefits. But is doing this practice enough, if you aren't eating the right diet?

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Does your diet plan complement your yoga regime to help you reap the benefits of the physical drill? Know more. 

The ancient practice of yoga has gained prominence the world over. From youngsters to the older generation – everyone swears by yoga for its host of physical and mental health benefits. But is doing this practice enough, if you aren't eating the right diet?

It's important that your diet is balanced and packed with nutritious foods that can complement your yoga practice. You need a good fill of vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fat, so that your body gets enough nutrition. After all, what is the point if you do all those asanas, without being nourished within?

Fret not, we have curated a list of foods that are not just healthy but super delicious, and will go a long way in enhancing your yoga practice.

A few foods you must not miss out on

Make a note of these foods that can help your yoga practice in a big way. Each of these ingredients is packed with a whole lot of nutrition, so don't hesitate to include them in your diet right away!

●    Dark leafy greens

There are a whole lot of leafy greens from spinach, mustard greens, arugula, and more that are packed with nutrients like vitamins C, E, and K, as well as iron, fibre, and calcium. Of course, doing yoga is a great practice, but when you add leafy greens to your diet, the effect on your health is even more pronounced. 

●    Raw cacao

Who knew chocolate could be the answer to good health? The primary ingredient in chocolate is raw cacao with generous amounts of antioxidants and flavonoids to enhance cardiovascular health. If you want to live a long and healthy life with the help of yoga, make sure you include dark chocolate in your diet. 

●    Quinoa

This superfood has been making waves for a while now, and we must say it is for all the right reasons! The grain has all the nine essential amino acids, iron, vitamins, and magnesium for all-round health and well-being. You can eat it in place of rice, or as cereal for breakfast. It is also a popular ingredient in salads. 

●    Berries

Don't we all love berries? Not only is the variety impressive, but they are packed with a huge amount of antioxidants that make it even more precious. What's more, they are high in fibre – that means they can keep you satiated for a long time. The natural sugar in berries helps to keep your blood sugar levels in check, preventing any crashes. 

●    Lentils

Lentils or dal is an integral part of Indian meals, and the sheer variety is sure to impress you! They contain folate in generous amounts, and are also packed with iron and protein. What's more, lentils are also believed to offer anti-aging benefits. So, if you want to look your youthful best – you know what to have!

●    Tofu

If you consume a plant-based diet, there's no way you can eliminate tofu. Of course, grains and vegetables are a great way to get your fill of protein, but tofu is another good option. It contains 9 essential amino acids that our bodies can't produce on our own. So, go ahead and enjoy tofu to your heart's content. 

●    Nut butter

Snacking is what generally derails otherwise healthy diets. If you want to indulge in healthy snacking, there's no better option than to consume nut butter. You could take your pick between almonds, peanuts, or more – the variety is endless today! Nut butter contains protein and healthy fat to keep you going throughout the day. 

The last word 

Now that you know all the foods that you can consume alongside your yoga practice – it's time to implement them in your diet. After all, a combination of a healthy diet and exercise is what you need to kickstart your journey towards health and well-being. 




