Art & Entertainment

Ahsaas Channa: I’ve Definitely Gotten Better At Dealing With It But Anxiety Is Something That Never Goes Away

As people from across the globe commemorate World Mental Health Day, Ahsaas Channa speaks up about how she has learnt to deal with anxiety issues over the years, how she feels the world of glamour is tough to deal with, how social media is also a trigger towards anxiety, how she tries to go on a social media detox every now and then, and how one can become successful as a social media influencer.

Ahsaas Channa

Ahsaas Channa is not only one of the most popular stars on OTT in today’s time, but she also is a hugely popular influencer on social media. Despite being so popular, she has always been very open about having dealt with anxiety issues. She has never shied away from talking about it, and it has helped a lot of her fans also deal with similar issues.

Talking to Prateek Sur, Ahsaas Channa speaks up about how she has learnt to deal with anxiety issues over the years, how she feels the world of glamour is tough to deal with, how social media is also a trigger towards anxiety, how she tries to go on a social media detox every now and then, and how one can become successful as a social media influencer. Excerpts from the candid chat:

The last time I spoke to you was right after ‘Girls Hostel 3’ and I remember you mentioning facing anxiety issues. Are you still struggling with anxiety? Or have you now learnt to deal with it in your own way?

I’ve definitely gotten better at dealing with it but anxiety is something that never goes away. I’ve found hacks to subside it on hard days, I watch a film, talk to friends, and journal! But yeah it’s a constant struggle and I empathise with everyone who goes through it.

As you were a child artist, do you ever feel that getting to see this world of glitz and glamour right from your childhood is also a factor which made you always want constant validation from people, which ultimately can be a cause for anxiety?

I’ve not really analysed the reason for it but all I can say is that I’m very fortunate that I got a chance to see all the glitz and glamour from a young age. I seek validation because I’m an actor. I feel it’s an actor thing. But yes there’s a constant insecurity too but that makes me keep working hard and never take my work for granted.

I can’t deny the fact that you’re hugely popular on social media. Does it ever become taxing to constantly keep posting as that gets you more and more followers? Or does that come naturally to you?

Yes. Being consistent on social media is an integral part of gaining followers and yes I feel taxing to be active on social media because sometimes I don’t even get time to capture everything or make as much content as I should. That’s a worry I used to have but I’ve come to terms with the fact that I just have to be myself and my work will speak for myself and my following. I’m still figuring out a way to stay active on social media and I’m very grateful that my followers have stayed and still love me despite my absence.

Do you ever go on a social media detox because social media is also a huge factor in pushing one towards anxiety as one of constantly looking for validation from people who are practically strangers?

Absolutely. One of my hacks to deal with anxiety is deleting Instagram (it’s the only SM I’m active on) For at least a few days. It really helps and I come back on it with a clearer mind.

If you had to give some tips to youngsters who are considering social media stardom as a means to start their journey in showbiz, what would your tips be?

Be prepared to be irrelevant! I feel social media is very unpredictable and from whatever I’ve seen my fellow content creator friends go through, I feel being consistent is the key and finding a balance to stay active but taking enough breaks is something that we need to figure out.

What do you like more – being a star on social media or being an actress on set?

I love being an actor on set and want to become a star in Bollywood.




