Art & Entertainment

'Withdraw Provocative Material': Indian High Commission In Canada On 'Kaali' Poster

The Indian High Commission in Canada, following a controversy over the poster of 'Kaali' has urged the organizers to withdraw provocative material, after receiving complaints from the Hindu community in Canada.

'Kaali' Poster

The Indian High Commission in Canada, following a controversy over the poster of a documentary 'Kaali' that was showcased at Aga Khan Museum in Toronto, has urged the organizers to withdraw all provocative material.

In a statement, the High Commission said that they have received complaints from leaders of the Hindu community in Canada about the "disrespectful depiction of Hindu Gods on the poster of a film showcased as part of the 'Under the Tent' project at the Aga Khan Museum, Toronto."

"Our Consulate General in Toronto has conveyed these concerns to the organizers of the event," read the statement.

"We are also informed that several Hindu groups have approached authorities in Canada to take action. We urge the Canadian authorities and the event organizers to withdraw all such provocative material," it added.

The controversy erupted after filmmaker Leena Manimekalai shared the poster of the film on social media that depicts a woman dressed as Goddess Kaali smoking a cigarette in the poster.

[With Inputs from IANS]




