
Picasso’s Artwork on Display in Florida Like Never Before

Half of the artworks are being displayed in the US for the first time


The Dali Museum in Florida

Art lovers across the globe are in for a treat. The Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida, is showcasing one-of-a-kind masterpieces by Picasso. The Florida museum in collaboration with Paris’s Musée Picasso has displayed a collection of 79 pieces by the artist. Nearly half of these pieces have never been displayed in America before. 

Unlike most exhibitions focussed on Picasso’s life and only a certain artistic time period in his life, this exhibition places its focus on the inspiration he drew from one particular region. The exhibition has been titled ‘Picasso and the Allure of the South’ owing to its theme — the inspiration the artist drew from the Spanish-French border. 


The exhibition showcases Picasso’s work for over 60 years of his career, including his early-life experiments, the Cubism period and his encounters with Surrealism. The artworks also display how his travels influenced his artwork and how his art evolved as he moved across borders. 

According to reports, Peter Tush, senior curator of education at the Dalí Museum, said, ”We always associated him with Paris but apparently he was very awkward, very uncomfortable in an urban setting.”

"He really felt most at home in these kinds of rural Mediterranean areas and that's really where his ideas seemed to thrive and change and so that's what this show brings forward,” he added.


The exhibition also showcases historical evidence, showing him working in studios across the Spanish-French border. The exhibit is on display until May 22, 2022. Tickets are available online.
