
Motoring In The Monsoon

The monsoon brings with it many delights – blissful weather, mist-laden breezes, the romance of raindrops, the flashback to childhood days and endless hot tea-pakora sessions.

This quick car-care guide will help you make sure that your vehicle serves you well

It also brings along water-logged roads, endless hours of traffic jams, incessant honking, and a general nervousness about driving in the rainy weather. 

Therefore, it is important to keep your vehicle in top condition.  

This quick car-care guide will help you make sure that your vehicle serves you well and gets you through the rainy season without any hassles. A well-cared for vehicle will – irrespective of the weather – go a long way in making your life easier, and enhancing your ownership experience. 

Follow these safety tips to ensure that driving during the monsoon is smooth and safe.

Clean The Surface

Do not put a cover on your car - particularly if you park it in the open

It seems simple and you may even have a person cleaning the car every day but cleaning the exterior of the vehicle is more than just a mop-and-dry job. Make sure that your car is given a thorough wash and all the debris are removed. 

Wash the mud flaps thoroughly as they tend to catch a lot of muck and inspect the windshield and the wipers and remove all the twigs, stones etc. which might have gotten collected there. 

It’s also a good idea to wax your vehicle every few months (ideally 4-6 months). This will not only keep the car looking shiny from the outside by forming a protective layer against dust, sand and even UV light, but also reduce chances of rust formation. 

Also, do not (yes, that’s right) put a cover on your car - particularly if you park it in the open. Car covers tend to stick to the sheet metal due to moisture. Therefore, when the sun is out and the car dries, the cover may stick to the clear coat, and even peel it off as you remove the cover.

Care For Wet Interiors

Always keep towels and newspapers handy to rid your car interiors of water

Just like water soaked clothes are an absolute nightmare for us, wet interiors are a very big red flag for your car. 

If your car’s interior gets soaked, it can end up getting damaged. All that moisture can result in a foul smell. More worryingly, rust can emerge over time. Here’s a simple solution – always keep towels and newspapers handy to rid your car interiors of water. And later, do get the car thoroughly cleaned by a professional.




