
PM Modi Hails Brazilian President-Elect Lula Da Silva’s Victory

India and Brazil share very strong bilateral ties, and are both members of several common multilateral groupings including BRICS, IBSA, BASIC, G20 group of nations, as well as the International Solar Alliance.

Brazilian President elect Lula Da Silva

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday congratulated Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on winning the presidential elections in Brazil, and said he looked forward to working closely together to further deepen and widen bilateral relations between the two countries.

The PMO posted a tweet quoting Modi, "Congratulations to @LulaOficial on winning the Presidential elections in Brazil. I look forward to working closely together to further deepen and widen our bilateral relations, as also our cooperation on global issues."

India and Brazil share very strong bilateral ties, and are both members of several common multilateral groupings including BRICS, IBSA, BASIC, G20 group of nations, as well as the International Solar Alliance. 

Prime Minister Modi also cultivated a particularly deep camaraderie with the far right Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro was even invited as the guest of honor to India’s Republic Day celebration festivities in 2020. 

(With inputs from PTI)




