
There Is More To Cucumbers Than Hydration

Cucumbers are not vegetables, as you may have heard. They're actually fruits, specifically berries. However, because it's frequently eaten as a vegetable (for example, in salads or sandwiches), this article will refer to it as a 'vegetable'.


Cucumbers are one of the coolest foods because they are not only super hydrating, but they also have other benefits you've probably never heard of. 

Cucumber is one of the most delicious vegetables because it is both crispy and cool. But, aside from its crunch and flavour, the summer favourite is also good for your body. It contains antioxidants, vitamins, and even fibre, giving it a long list of health benefits. Read on to learn more.  

Cucumbers: What Are They? 

Cucumbers are not vegetables, as you may have heard. They're actually fruits, specifically berries. However, because it's frequently eaten as a vegetable (for example, in salads or sandwiches), this article will refer to it as a 'vegetable'.  

Cucumber is a native of India, grows on a vining plant, and thrives in warm weather. It belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, including watermelon, cantaloupe, and pumpkin. Cucumbers vary in size and colour (from yellow-green to dark green), but the most common ones are dark green, long, and cylindrical — which is probably what comes to mind when you think of them.  

Cucumber Nutrition 

Here's the nutritional profile as per FDA for Cucumber (99 g/3.5 oz): 

  • 10 Calories 

  • Total fat: 0 grams 

  • Fibre: 1 gram 

    • Protein: 1 gram 

  • Potassium: 4% of the DV 

  • Vitamin A: 4% of the DV 

  • Vitamin C: 10% of the DV 

  • Calcium: 2% of the DV 

    • Iron: 2% of the DV 

    A few benefits of eating cucumber on a daily basis 

    • It keeps your body hydrated: Cucumber is mostly water, hence it will keep your body hydrated for a longer period of time 

    • It prevents constipation: Cucumber is high in fibre, which prevents constipation and ensures regular bowel movements. 

  • Cucumbers can aid in weight loss: Cucumbers are low in calories and high in nutrients. In addition, eating cucumber makes you feel full and eliminates hunger pangs. 

  • It helps maintain the blood sugar level: Cucumbers may help you regulate your blood sugar levels. As a result, it may essentially prevent diabetes and its complications. 

  • It strengthens your immunity: Cucumbers are high in antioxidants, which will boost your immunity. They keep harmful free radicals from accumulating. They may even lower the risk of chronic disease. 

  • Cucumbers can help improve your vision: Cucumber also contains vitamin A, which helps us see better. 

    • Cucumbers make your skin glow: Cucumbers are extremely soothing to the skin, and they are frequently used in skincare. 

    How to incorporate cucumber into your diet? 

    Cucumbers have a neutral flavour, so they work well in a variety of dishes or as a simple snack. It can be used in many interesting ways, here are some you might want to try:  

    • It is directly sliced and eaten. 

  • Homemade pickled cucumbers are easy to make, also fermented pickles are full of good bacteria called probiotics, which are important for gut health.  

  • Baked cucumber chips are low-carb and healthy alternatives to snacking. 

  • You can take a humble salad to new heights with cucumbers. 

  • Make a cucumber sandwich for a refreshing bite. 

    • Sip on detox water with cucumber 

  • Cooler made from cucumbers is great for your appetite and extremely hydrating for your body. 

  • Cucumber raita is an Indian side or dip that is quite popular in the summer months as it helps the body to beat the heat. It also helps prevent constipation due to water and dietary fibre. 

  • Eat your cucumbers now!  

    Cucumber is everyone's boring cousin in the vegetable world, it's not offensive, but it's also not particularly exciting. In other words, it's probably not the first thing on your guest list. Maybe it should because cucumber is a powerhouse veggie that has numerous health benefits.  




