Art & Entertainment

Krishna Shroff On Social Media Bullying: People Are Going To Talk About You If You’re Out There Doing Something Big In Your Life

Krishna Shroff speaks up about social media bullying, how she tackles the negative criticism, women having insecurities with their bodies, her fitness tips and lots more.

Krishna Shroff

Krishna Shroff has been one of the most popular fitness experts in today’s times. She and her brother Tiger Shroff have been massively followed on social media for their workout videos and fitness posts. However, with the fame on social media comes the brickbats even. Krishna Shroff has gotten trolled quite a lot for numerous pics of hers, but she has never let that affect her work. She has given the silent treatment always and stayed away from hitting back.

Talking to Prateek Sur, Krishna Shroff speaks up about social media bullying, how she tackles the negative criticism, women having insecurities with their bodies, her fitness tips and lots more. Excerpts:

A fitness tip you'd like to share with readers.

It’s easy to feel down when you compare your journey to others, but it’s important to understand that everyone moves at a different pace. You should be your own biggest competitor, and as long as you’re striving to be better than you were yesterday every single day, you’ll be that much closer to where you both want to and need to be.

How do you deal with negative criticism or social media bullying? Have you ever felt pressured or low?

I used to let it get to me a lot when I was a young teenager. So much so that I would avoid going to public places with my dad. At that age, you’re a lot more sensitive to these things because you’re still trying to figure out who you are and truly find yourself. Once I began my fitness journey and started seeing the changes in my physicality, that automatically created a mental switch in my mind. I gained a new-found sense of security and confidence that I lacked greatly before. All the outside opinions were just noise to me and I paid no attention to it. At the end of the day, people are going to talk about you if you’re out there doing something big in your life—it comes with the territory, which I’ve come to terms with and respect… So, go right ahead. :)

Women who check out your pictures start having insecurities over their own bodies. What would be your message to such women who are extremely body conscious?

Like I said earlier, try to avoid comparing yourself to others because everyone’s journey is different. I definitely have my body conscious days too, especially being a woman. Our bodies go through a lot every month, so it’s not always going to look the same. Don’t forget that people only put their absolute best out there for the world to see and that one picture was chosen out of a 100 other deleted ones.

How do you stay mentally fit and positive and keep depression away?

The thing that’s really worked for me and that I’ve learned more this past year would be learning how to say no. I prioritise myself and understand the routine that keeps me happy, and most importantly, healthy. Your health is your wealth, and without it, no amount of money, fame, or anything else matters.




