The Asian Games 2023, being held in Hangzhou, China, have officially begun after a glittering opening ceremony on Saturday evening. Olympic bronze medallist Lovlina Borgohain and men's hockey captain Harmanpreet Singh were India's flag-bearers at the ceremony. A 655-strong Indian continent is taking part at the multi-sport event, which will go on till October 8.
India At Asian Games 2023, Opening Ceremony: Grand Start To Grand Event - In Pics
The Asian Games 2023, being held in Hangzhou, China, have officially begun after a glittering opening ceremony on Saturday evening. Olympic bronze medallist Lovlina Borgohain and men's hockey captain Harmanpreet Singh were India's flag-bearers at the ceremony. A 655-strong Indian continent is taking part at the multi-sport event, which will go on till October 8.
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