Glaring Orgasm Gap

Men and women, as research shows, are different in terms of psychology and biology. This impacts the individual’s behavioral and emotional requirements, which are heightened when they seek intimate pleasure. Irrespective of our evolution, we find that a man’s need and desire to orgasm continues to be a bigger priority than addressing the sexual wants of a woman. This lack of understanding and addressing a woman’s need to achieve an orgasm has systematically increased the ‘orgasm gap’ between men and women.

Studies show that there is a stark difference between the number of orgasms experienced by men, compared to women, in a heterosexual relationship. Durex Global Sex Survey 2017 indicated that nearly 70% of Indian women do not have an orgasm every time they have sex, compared to 80% men who do. This orgasm inequality stems from both psychological and physiological reasons. In fact, data shows that most men do not understand the female anatomy, and do not realize the massive impact it has on the woman’s sex life. We need to address this gap by bringing about a much-needed focus on sex education. Pornography cannot truly be the information manual on sex. It is extremely crucial to start having bedroom conversations where partners need to be more open about discussing their sexual preferences. Communicating openly about one’s sex life can bring about a dramatic change in a relationship, and in the overall confidence of both partners.



It is amply clear that men and women respond differently to different stimuli. Each individual has a different trigger that helps them to orgasm. As per the Journal of Sexual Pleasures, women take longer to achieve an orgasm, and tend to fake them merely to make the partner feel good. As per the Durex Survey, 20% men suffer from premature ejaculation, which makes it tougher for a woman to reach satisfaction. But this can be addressed by focusing attention not just on penetrative sex (as pornography depicts) but on the other aspects of stimulation that help a woman achieve an orgasm. It is important to reiterate that bedroom conversations play an important role in breaking sex barriers.


As Durex, we innovate with a clear purpose – to liberate good sex for couples across the globe. Our innovations are backed by consumer research to find synergies between what men and women need sexually. Our products and campaigns are solely focused to educate and inform sexes on healthy and mutually-satisfying sexual habits, and close the orgasm gap which has impacted millions of couples globally. Consumers seek solutions in the form of recommendations and products that are designed to cater to the pleasures of both partners. This is an encouraging shift in the intimate wellness industry that will open many doors for couples as well as brands.


We observe heightened awareness and the rise of feminine sexuality (women actively involved and expressive towards addressing their sexual needs). Men now take notice, and are willing to do what it takes to ensure that their partner is satisfied. We are positive that as both sexes become more open and understand more on what the partner wants, it will help to close the glaring orgasm gap.

