
Sisodia Approves Laying Of Sewer Lines In Three Delhi Villages

On Saturday, Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia approved a project to lay sewer lines in three villages, including two unauthorised colonies in Mundka, a statement said.

Manish Sisodia

Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Saturday approved a project to lay sewer lines in three villages, including two unauthorised colonies in Mundka, a statement said.
In addition, two sewer treatment plants (STPs) of 2 MLD (million litres a day) and 6 MLD capacity, and two sewage pumping stations of 15 MLD and 6 MLD capacity will be constructed in Mundka, it said.
These projects are estimated to cost Rs 146.36 crore and will benefit 45,000 people in the Mundka assembly constituency.
Emphasis will be on recycling and reusing treated water from STPs. Thousands of people will get relief from the issue of overflowing sewers, Sisodia said.
"We are working relentlessly to connect all unauthorised colonies of Delhi to the sewer network and improve sewerage management and clean the Yamuna," he said.
There are a total of 1,799 unauthorised colonies in Delhi. Of these, 725 have been connected to the sewer network, while work is underway in 573 others.
Sewage from unauthorised colonies not connected to the sewer network flows directly into the Yamuna.
The Delhi government has promised to clean the Yamuna to bathing standards by February 2025.
The river can be considered fit for bathing if biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), the amount of oxygen required for microbial metabolism of organic compounds in waters, is less than 3 milligrams per litre and dissolved oxygen is greater than 5 milligrams per litre.




