
She Told Her Parents Teachers Touched Her Inappropriately And Scolded Often, Soon She Was Found Hanging

'I'm scared of them, no matter how well I write they'll fail me.'

She Told Her Parents Teachers Touched Her Inappropriately And Scolded Often, Soon She Was Found Hanging

Two teachers have been charged with abetting the suicide of a 15-year-old Delhi girl, who her father alleged was “sexually harassed by two teachers and was failed intentionally”.

The girl, a class 9 student of Ahlcon Public School in Mayur Vihar, was found hanging from a railing on Tuesday at her home.

“She told me her SST teachers touch her inappropriately, I said since I'm also a teacher I can say they can't do it, might be a mistake but she said, 'I'm scared of them, no matter how well I write they'll fail me.' Ultimately they failed her in SST. School killed her,” the girl’s father told ANI. 

The girl’s mother alleged there were two teachers whom her daughter feared for being strict and scolding her too often. She did not want to go to school anymore, said her mother.

She was taken to the Kailash hospital after she was found hanging from a railing at home around 6 pm, according to Deccan Chronicle. The doctor told ANI, “On arrival her pulse and blood pressure were un-recordable, we tried to revive her but couldn't. Cause of death can be known after postmortem.”

“It's an unfortunate incident. School has been following promotion policies of CBSE. Let me make it clear that she had not failed, a re-test was scheduled. We will cooperate with probe agencies, says the Principal.

India has one of the world’s highest suicide rates for youth aged 15 to 29, according to this 2012 Lancet report. Every hour, one student commits suicide in India, according to 2015 data (the latest available) from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), reported IndiaSpend.

Between 2011 and 2016, 49,249 students in India have killed themselves. Statistics from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) show that 6,654 students committed suicide in 2012; 8,423 in 2013; 8,068 in 2014; and 8,934 in 2015. The number spiked to 9,474 in 2016, says NCRB data shared by the ministry of home affairs in Parliament last week.

“A case under sections 306 and 506 IPC and POCSO Act has now been lodged for abetment of suicide against the two teachers. Further investigation is underway. Our officers will also visit the school today," said Arun K Singh, Superintendent of Police, Noida told ANI.





