
Delhi Records Minimum Temperature Of 26.6 Degress Celsius, Strong Surface Winds Forecast

On Tuesday, the national capital registered a low of 26.6 degrees Celsius, normal for this time of the year, the weather office said.

Delhi witnesses a slight rise in temperature on Thursday

The minimum temperature in Delhi settled at 26.6 degrees Celsius on Tuesday, with the weather office forecasting strong surface winds later in the day. The relative humidity at 8.30 am was recorded at 73 per cent, according to India Meteorological Department data.

On Tuesday, the national capital registered a low of 26.6 degrees Celsius, normal for this time of the year, the weather office said. It has forecast strong surface winds for the day.

The maximum temperature is likely to hover around 35 degrees Celsius.  On Monday, the city registered a high of 34.5 degrees Celsius.




