
Delhi Is A Union Territory, AAP Govt Can't Claim Privileges Of State Govt, Centre Tells SC

Delhi Is A Union Territory, AAP Govt Can't Claim Privileges Of State Govt, Centre Tells SC

Delhi is a Union Territory and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government cannot claim privileges of a state government, the Centre told the Supreme Court on Tuesday.

The apex court was hearing an appeal filed by the Delhi Government challenging the High Court order, which had said the Lieutenant Governor is the boss of Delhi.

The Centre also refuted the allegations, as claimed by the Delhi government, that the Lieutenant Governor sits on files sent by the government for their execution.

Additional Solicitor General (ASG) Maninder Singh, senior lawyer appearing for the Centre, made his submissions and arguments before Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra-led five-judge constitution bench.

The hearing will resume on Wednesday.

Earlier on November 2, Gopal Subramanium, representing the Delhi government told the apex court that it has limited powers, and its ambit must be widened. (ANI)





