
Ethics And Integrity At XLRI

XLRI- Xavier School of Management, has consistently upheld the principles of ethics and integrity as fundamental tenets of its mission and vision. A closer look at the integral value of these principles to the institute

Ethics And Integrity At XLRI

As one of India’s premier business institution, XLRI stands as a beacon of excellence in management education. The pivotal role of ethics and integrity in the XLRI faculty, staff and students is clearly seen, emphasising how these values have been embedded in its history, mission, and activities, ultimately shaping responsible global leaders for the greater common good and a sustainable future.

Rooted in History

From its very inception, XLRI recognized the paramount importance of managerial ethics. This commitment to ethical conduct has endured for over seven decades, reflecting the institution’s unwavering dedication to its mission. This continuous focus on ethics in management education has produced graduates who are not only skilled in business but also grounded in values.

‘Excellence and Integrity’ and ‘For the Greater Good’

XLRI’s motto, ‘Excellence and Integrity’, succinctly encapsulates the institution’s core values. It reinforces the idea that academic excellence must always be coupled with unwavering integrity. This motto serves as a constant reminder to all stakeholders, from students to faculty, of the non-negotiable commitment to ethical conduct in every aspect of management.

‘For the Greater Good’, the principle underpinning all of XLRI’s endeavours, is a testament to its commitment to ethical leadership and societal well-being. It echoes the institution’s belief that business and management should not be pursued merely for personal gain but should serve as a force for positive change in society. This tagline underscores the importance of ethics in driving businesses and organizations towards a sustainable and equitable future.

The Alumni Legacy

One of the most compelling indicators of XLRI’s success in instilling ethical values is the exemplary conduct of its alumni. Over the years, XLRI alumni have consistently upheld the principles of ethics and integrity in their professional lives. Their commitment to the greater common good is evident through their contributions to society, as they have refrained from engaging in serious scandals and instead dedicated themselves to working for the betterment of the nation. This legacy of ethical leadership among alumni stands as a testament to XLRI’s enduring impact on the business world.

Vision and Mission

XLRI’s vision and mission statements reflect its unwavering commitment to ethics and integrity in management education.

The vision statement, “To be an institution of excellence nurturing responsible global leaders for the greater common good and a sustainable future,” places a strong emphasis on responsibility and the common good. It implies that XLRI’s primary goal is not just producing business leaders but producing ethical, responsible leaders who will contribute to the betterment of society.

The mission statement further reinforces this commitment through its focus on values such as ethical conduct, integrity, and a sensitive social conscience. XLRI’s mission of disseminating knowledge, extending the frontiers of knowledge through research, nurturing ethical leaders, and encouraging critical thinking aligns perfectly with the institution’s core values of excellence and integrity.

Looking Forward

XLRI’s unwavering commitment to ethics and integrity has been a guiding light for over seven decades. This commitment is deeply ingrained in the institution’s history, values, vision, and mission. Its founding fathers were pioneering Jesuits with deep conviction and commitment. XLRI’s alumni serve as a living proof of the enduring impact of ethical education, working tirelessly for the greater common good. As XLRI continues to nurture responsible global leaders, it stands as a testament to the idea that excellence and integrity are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary pillars upon which ethical leadership and successful business are built. In a world where ethical culture and leadership are increasingly becoming vital, XLRI remains a shining example of how an educational institution can shape a brighter and more responsible future.


The Ethics and Integrity Quotients

XLRI’s commitment to ethics and integrity extends beyond the classroom. The institution actively promotes ethical leadership through various activities and initiatives:

  • JRD Tata Foundation for Business Ethics: XLRI’s collaboration with the JRD Tata Foundation for Business Ethics exemplifies its dedication to advancing the discourse on ethics in business.
  • Teaching of Managerial Ethics: Since it is a core course each student of XLRI profits from this course.
  • Annual Tata Oration: The Tata Oration series in ethics, initiated by JRD Tata in 1991, has been a platform for influential leaders to discuss the crucial connection between ethics and business success. The first Oration was conducted by JRD Tata himself on March 4, 1991 on the topic, “Ethics and Business Success.”  These orations continue to inspire XLRI’s community. This year’s 31st oration will be given by Mr Arun Maira, a former member of Planning Commission of India and alumni of XLRI.
  • In-Company Programmes: XLRI collaborates with businesses to develop in-company programmes that emphasize ethical leadership and integrity in the corporate world.
  • Management Development Programmes (MDP): XLRI’s MDPs not only impart management skills but also stress the importance of ethical decision-making in managerial roles.
  • Publication of Books and Research Articles: XLRI actively contributes to the dissemination of knowledge on ethics and integrity through the publication of books and research articles that promote ethical leadership.
  • National and International Conference/Workshops.  Regular conferences and workshops on themes related to ethics are conducted. The next international conference is scheduled for February 2-3, 2024.

Values at the Core

XLRI’s values, inspired by the Jesuit spirit of Magis, represent a holistic approach to education that places ethics and integrity at the centre of its educational philosophy. These values include:

  • Ethical Conduct: Ethical conduct is not just an option at XLRI; it is a fundamental value that guides every decision and action taken within the institution.
  • Integrity and Trust: XLRI places immense importance on building and maintaining trust through unwavering integrity. This value is instilled in students and faculty alike.
  • Passion for Excellence: While ethics and integrity are non-negotiable, XLRI also encourages a relentless pursuit of excellence in all aspects of education and research.
  • Sensitive Social Conscience: The institution’s commitment to the greater common good is reflected in its focus on nurturing a sensitive social conscience among its students.
  • Inclusiveness and Tolerance: XLRI believes in fostering a diverse and inclusive community that values tolerance and respects differing perspectives.
  • Creativity and Innovation: XLRI recognizes that ethical leadership often requires innovative thinking, and it encourages a culture of creativity and innovation.
  • Global Mindset: In an increasingly interconnected world, XLRI promotes a global mindset that prepares its students to be effective leaders on the global stage.





