Art & Entertainment

Father’s Day: TV Celebs Share Memories Of Their Dads From Their Childhood

As the world celebrates Father’s Day, here are some of the popular television celebrities talking about their childhood memories with their father and also sharing some life lessons they learnt from their father.

TV Celebs Speak Up On The Memories With Their Dads On Father's Day

The world is celebrating Father’s Day today which falls on the 3rd Sunday of every June. On this special occasion here’s talking to some popular television actors and discussing their childhood memories with their dads. Be it an equation where they are as close as pals, or one where they don’t express much, their dads have always occupied a special place in the hearts of these celebrities. Let’s have a look:

Sudhanshu Pandey

My father has been a very soft-hearted human being. So, my relationship with him has always been like you know, 'ke papa kuch nahi kahenge, papa nahi daatege, papa nahi marenge' (dad wouldn’t say anything, dad wouldn’t scold me, dad wouldn’t hit me). Because that's how he was always. He was not someone who would raise his voice. So, my relationship with him was always very comfortable and I was not scared of my father. My brother and I were very close to him. We were the only two siblings and only two children of our parents. So, we were always very close-knit as a family.

Arun Mandola

My father is always my superhero and he is my guru. But I never express anything in front of him about how much I follow his words. This is the first time I am sharing my feelings openly. When I was a child, he used to tell me Ramayana, Mahabharata and Acharya Chanakya stories and always tell me how Ravana was intelligent but because of his ego, he perished. He always tells me Shravan took their parents on his shoulder for Char dham yatra. My whole childhood was full of epic stories and all those stories helped me in real life. My father was a very strict man and still, he is strict so I never became his friend. There is a huge communication gap between us. I cannot speak in front of him but he always supported me.

Anupama Solanki

I learned lots of things from my father but the best part of my father is his humility. He is very kind to everyone and that inspired me. My parents supported me to become an actress. My dad is an Army officer and we all know how army people are strict. So, this is always very difficult for me to handle. Whenever I go home he always tells me to follow his rules and regulations and I also follow his words. He is not only my hero, he is every Indian’s hero because whatever he is doing for our country that's an opportunity very few people get. When my dad used to come to school, my whole class used to know that today Anu's dad has come and all the boys used to run away from me because his personality is so strong and strict.

Sagar Parekh

The relationship that I share with my father is just like friends. Since childhood, I have been lucky enough to have a father who has been very understanding with me, like a friend. I have shared everything with him since my childhood. I never hide things from him. Since my childhood, whatever I wanted in my life, the next day, it was in my hands. I never had to crib in front of my father, that I do not have this so that. He just understood and the next day, it would be next to my bed or on my table. He has given me the freedom to choose my own path. And when I told him that I am entering the acting field, he was in total support. He never even questioned once. So that just shows the relationship that we share. Apart from being a wonderful father, he's also like a best friend. He even knows about my breakups, about all my girlfriends or whatever I did as a teenager or during school life. So he has been very supportive all my life and I am grateful to have a father like him.

Aditya Deshmukh

My father is my best friend. I was a very difficult child to be managed and only my father could control me as he knows me in and out. He knows everything like whether I am in a good mood, in a sad mood or depressed. Nothing can be hidden from my dad. I and my father are like buddies and I share everything with him. At times he is a strict father and that discipline is important. He is the coolest father. He still treats me as an innocent bacha (kid). He still pulls my cheeks in front of my relatives and friends and people from the industry. The lesson I learned from him is that ‘till death, a person is a student as he keeps learning every day, where every day is a challenge. If you are something today, you may not be tomorrow’. This learning always helped me to strive hard and scale-up and pull up my socks and actually be something. He always taught me to believe in myself because self-belief is the biggest strength. I also learned from him that one should always spread happiness.

Sharad Malhotra

I've always been motivated by my father. He always encouraged me in my professional choices. He has always told me that the only investment that never fails is hard effort. I had no contacts when I moved to Mumbai, but my father always told me to never give up. He is a highly cheerful individual. He has taught me how to be cheerful. He has taught me how to be a warrior as well. He frequently reminds me that while it is good to feel important, being courteous is more crucial. I am what I am now because of my father's advice and blessings. He also counselled me to accept responsibility for all of my life's choices, whether they were good or bad. I don't work to win anyone over. My father taught me the importance of kindness.

Sudha Chandran

For every girl, her first hero is her father and the same is with me. I always wanted to become like him. I am so fortunate that I could follow in his footsteps because he taught me important things, that is to keep working hard and don't expect returns. They will come to you, never follow the money, follow talent because if you are talented, money will follow talent and never look up and say that God I don't have these things in my life, look down to those people and thank god you at least gave me the basic necessities of my life. So that made me a very self-contained person. I lost him last year, and since then, there has been a very big vacuum in my life. But that was the day that I promised him before he left this house, I said that I will continue to walk on the path that you dreamt for me. And till I meet you again, I promise you that. It's not a moment that I don't think about my father and the beautiful characteristic that I want to definitely mention about my dad, he never minced words and that's exactly the quality that has come into me.





