
No Need To Defame Country To Oppose Policies Of Government: Sunni Students' Federation

The Sunni Students' Federation (SSF) said on Sunday that the ruling government of the country should be corrected, but not through hatred or violence.

No Need To Defame Country To Oppose Policies Of Government: Sunni Students' Federation

The Sunni Students' Federation (SSF) on Sunday said the ruling dispensation of the country should be "corrected" but not by creating hatred against the nation.
A resolution passed at the state conference of the SSF, the student wing of the A P Kanthapuram Aboobacker Musliyar faction of the Samastha Kerala Jem-Iyyathul Ulama, said there was no need to defame the country to oppose the policies of the government.
The resolution said Islam cannot accept turning hatred towards fascism and its violent nature into hatred against the nation.
"The ruling government should be corrected but not by creating hatred against the country. The country and its ruling dispensation should be seen as two different entities. And there is no need to defame the country to oppose the policies of the government," the resolution read.
It said the values of the nation should be upheld uncompromisingly even while raising strong criticisms against the government.
"The Sangh Parivar's politics of hatred should not be countered by hatemongering. A country is not its government. Our country has remained secular through the ages. That culture must not be tainted," the resolution read.




