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Google Was Founded Today: Celebrating 25 Years of Changing the Way We Access Information

September 4, 1998 marks to be a date that shaped the Internet. Google was founded on this day by two brilliant minds - Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who wanted to build a more efficient way to search the vast expanse of the internet. Till today, Google stands to be the leader among search engines, making lives easier for many

Google was founded today on September 04, 1998, by two Stanford University students Larry Page and S

On September 04 1998, two brilliant minds, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, embarked on a journey that would forever change the way we access information on the World Wide Web. Little did they know that their research project at Stanford University would evolve into the global tech giant, now proudly known as ‘Google’.
The inception of Google was humble, it was born out of a desire to create a more efficient way to search the vast expanse of the internet. Being doctoral students, Page and Brin set out to develop a search engine that could organize and deliver information with unprecedented accuracy and speed. Their creation quickly proved its worth, and the duo soon realized they were onto something monumental.
In the early years, Google relocated several times before finding its permanent home in Mountain View in 2003. This move marked the beginning of an era of exponential growth. In 2004, Google made its initial public offering (IPO), and within a short span, it emerged as one of the world's largest media companies.
Google's journey was marked by a series of groundbreaking product launches. Google News (2002), Gmail (2004), Google Maps (2005), and Google Chrome (2008) became integral parts of daily lives, while the introduction of Google+ (2011) added a social networking dimension to the tech giant's portfolio.
Today, Google is synonymous with online search, processing a staggering nine billion searches daily, according to tech company EarthWeb. The search engine also has the world’s highest market share with about 86.9 billion monthly visits. It is used by many businesses to enhance their reach to people worldwide.

 Also, in February 2023, Google was ranked one of the most popular multi-platform web properties in the United States with around 274 million visitors from desktop and mobile.
In addition to its core search engine, Google's diversification strategy has been nothing short of impressive. Acquiring YouTube and developing the Google Pixel smartphone after purchasing Android positioned the company as a dominant force in the realms of online video and mobile technology.
Notably, in 2015, Google underwent a transformation, renaming itself Alphabet, with Google becoming a subsidiary, as reported by Investopedia. This strategic shift was aimed to streamline the company's vast array of acquisitions and services.
Today, as Google celebrates its 25th anniversary, it's impossible to overlook the profound impact it has had on our digital lives. From the humble beginnings of two students at Stanford to a global powerhouse that shapes the way we access, share, and create information, Google's journey has been nothing short of remarkable. It stands as a testament to the power of innovation and the boundless possibilities of the Internet age to date.




