
Jaipuria School Of Business, Ghaziabad Has Been Recognized By Outlook Business For Excellence In Quality Education In India

In conversation with Dr. Rajiv R Thakur, Director General of Jaipuria School of Business regarding the vision and mission of the institute.

Dr. Rajiv R Thakur receiving the award.

Q. How does it feel to receive this prestigious award of India’s premier school of excellence?

Receiving the prestigious award of India's premier school of excellence is an exceptionally proud moment for the Jaipuria School of Business, Ghaziabad. This recognition is not just an accolade but a testament to the relentless pursuit of excellence, dedication, and hard work of our faculty, students, and alumni. It is a moment of validation for our commitment to providing value-based and futuristic management education that aligns with our vision of being a leading management institution in the country. This recognition shows JSB's commitment to academic excellence and innovation in the field of business education.

This award propels us further towards our mission of empowering our students with the necessary skills, knowledge, and ethical grounding to become leaders and change agents in their respective fields. It encourages us to continue our efforts in fostering a global and entrepreneurial mindset among our students, ensuring they are well-equipped to catalyze sustainable societal transformation.

It motivates us to uphold the standards of excellence we are being acknowledged for and to continue innovating and improving our pedagogical approaches, ensuring we remain at the forefront of business education in India and beyond.

Q. What are the most inspiring innovations are done in your organization?

At Jaipuria School of Business, Ghaziabad, our innovation ethos is deeply embedded in integrating state-of-the-art technology with our curriculum and creating a nurturing environment for entrepreneurship and ethical leadership.

Key innovations include introducing AI and analytics into our courses, emphasizing experiential learning via live projects and global exchanges. These efforts are supported by a focus on sustainability and social responsibility.

Our goal is to not merely educate but empower our students to be the change-makers in business and society. This holistic approach ensures our graduates are well-equipped to lead with integrity, creativity, and a global perspective, ready to tackle the challenges of today's dynamic business environment.

Q. When it comes to your organization, what are you most proud of?

At Jaipuria School of Business, Ghaziabad, what fills me with immense pride is our transformative impact on students, empowering them to become ethical leaders and change agents in society. Our commitment to value-based education, fostering a global and entrepreneurial mindset, and our emphasis on sustainability and social responsibility have cultivated a community of professionals who are not only successful in their careers but are also dedicated to making a positive societal impact. This holistic development of our students, aligned with our vision and mission, truly embodies the essence of what we stand for and is our greatest achievement.

Q. How are you different from people working in a similar domain?

Our differentiation lies in our deep-rooted commitment to a value-based educational approach, seamlessly integrated with futuristic business insights and technologies.

Unlike many institutions, we place a strong emphasis on the ethical, social, and environmental implications of business, preparing our students not just for success in their careers but as responsible global citizens.

Our curriculum is meticulously designed to include cutting-edge technologies and global business practices, ensuring our students are well-prepared for the challenges of the modern workplace.

Moreover, our personalized leadership development platform i-lead is tailored to nurture each student's unique talents and aspirations, fostering a culture of innovation and leadership excellence. This holistic approach, combined with our dedicated faculty and strong industry connections, sets us apart in creating leaders who are equipped to drive sustainable societal transformation.

Q. What is the goal of your company and how are you planning to achieve it?

We aim to be a premier management institution, focusing on nurturing leaders capable of driving sustainable societal changes. Our strategy involves innovating our curriculum to include the latest in technology, global business practices, and sustainability. We emphasize creating an empowering environment that supports the development of essential managerial and leadership skills, complemented by practical experiences and global exposure. Our commitment to ethical foundations and entrepreneurial initiatives ensures that our graduates are not just ready for the business world but are also equipped to lead with integrity and innovation. Through these efforts, we strive to achieve our goal of excellence in management education.

Q. What’s the biggest factor that has helped you to be successful?

The biggest factor contributing to our success at Jaipuria School of Business, Ghaziabad, has been our unwavering commitment to a value-based educational philosophy. This approach underpins everything we do, from our curriculum design to our pedagogical methods, ensuring that we not only impart the necessary managerial and leadership skills but also instill a strong ethical foundation in our students.

This commitment to integrating values, ethics, and sustainability into the fabric of our education has differentiated us in the competitive landscape, fostering a generation of leaders who are not just successful in their careers but are also dedicated to making a positive societal impact.

Q. What are some of your future endeavors?

Moving forward, Jaipuria School of Business, Ghaziabad, plans to expand our global partnerships to provide students with more international exposure and learning opportunities. We aim to enhance our focus on sustainability and social responsibility, embedding these principles deeper into our curriculum and community projects. 

Additionally, we are committed to leveraging technology to innovate our teaching methods and improve the learning experience, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of business education and leadership development. 

Q. What is the best advice you can give to our readers?

We must embrace continuous learning and remain adaptable to change. In today’s rapidly evolving world, the ability to continuously acquire new skills and adapt to changing environments is crucial. We should Cultivate a global mindset, uphold ethical values, and always visualize the broader impact of our actions on society and the environment.





