Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra has posted a video of filmmaker Rohit Shetty on Instagram with his right hand completely bandaged. Sidharth will be seen playing the lead role in Rohit's upcoming series 'Indian Police Force'.
The filmmaker got injured when he was shooting a car action sequence on the sets in Hyderabad.
Sidharth also posted a video with him on Instagram. He wrote: "A true master leads by example. We all know about @itsrohitshetty Sir's love for action and his passion towards the stunts he directs. Last night while performing a CAR STUNT action piece HIMSELF, he met with an unfortunate accident. After a sleepless night and a minor surgery he's back on set in less than 12 hours. Sir, you are an inspiration to all of us. Love n Respect."
In the video, the filmmaker expressed his gratitude and said: "Thank you for all the concerns, prayers and so many calls. Nothing major has happened, just stitches in two fingers, that's it we are back to work."
Sidharth added: "It's only him guys. The whole crew is here. He is all good, the OG rockstar. It's not even 12 hours and he's back on set."
Rohit also posted a picture from the sets and wrote in the caption: "Another car topple...But this time with stitches on two fingers...Nothing to worry about, I am absolutely fine...Thank you so much for your love and concern... Shooting Indian Police Force for Amazon Originals in Hyderabad."
'Indian Police Force' also stars Vivek Oberoi and Shilpa Shetty Kundra in the lead roles and will premiere on Amazon Prime Video.
Rohit Shetty Gets Back To Work With A Bandaged Arm; Sidharth Malhotra In Awe Of Him
Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra has posted a video of filmmaker Rohit Shetty on Instagram with his right hand completely bandaged. Sidharth will be seen playing the lead role in Rohit's upcoming series 'Indian Police Force'.
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