Art & Entertainment

Nick Jonas Reveals 4 symptoms He Faced Before Getting Diagnosed With Type 1 Diabetes. Watch

Nick Jonas was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when he was 13-years-old

Singer Nick Jonas will host this year’s Billboard Music Awards (BBMA) on May 23

Nick Jonas, American singer and husband of Indian actor Priyanka Chopra, took to Instagram to share a video of the first few signs and symptoms that he experienced before he was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. His video came ahead of World Diabetes Day which falls on November 14.

Nick Jonas was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when he was 13-years-old and in the new video, he opened up about the first signs and symptoms that he started showing before his diagnosis.

"I had 4 signs that I was living with Type 1 diabetes: excessive thirst, weight loss, frequent urination, and irritability. These can be recognized as common signs of Type 1 diabetes. I’m sharing my signs so that others can #SeeTheSigns," reads the caption of the post.

Soon after this video post, Netizens thanked him for the helpful information and even shared some of their own experiences dealing with Type 1 diabetes.

"Thank you for bringing attention to this important chronic condition," one fan wrote in a comment. "It's amazing to see that you are talking about these important topics and that you are trying to help people by talking about this in public," wrote another.

Earlier, Nick also sat down with Beyond Type 1 to reflect on his diagnosis and shared how he did have concerns about not being able to continue his career.

"But the thing for me was always to say “let me jump right back into work.” That way I’m kind of committing to not letting this slow me down. And there have been many moments where it has. Where I’ve had tough days. Where my blood sugar was high or low and I’ve just had to figure it out and push through. I’m grateful that I’ve got a good support system around me,” he says.





