After a superb start to the Asian Games 2023 on Day 1, India began Day 2 on a rousing note, bagging its first gold medal via the men's 10m air rifle team comprising Rudrankksh Patil, Divyansh Panwar and Aishwary Pratap Singh Tomar. The team broke the world record in the process, and Aishwary topped it off with an individual bronze as well. Later, the Indian women's cricket team won gold too, defeating Sri Lanka by 19 runs. India ended the day with six medals, taking its tally to 11 and being placed sixth on the country-wise standings.
India At Asian Games 2023, Day 2 - In Pics
After a superb start to the Asian Games 2023 on Day 1, India began Day 2 on a rousing note, bagging its first gold medal via the men's 10m air rifle team comprising Rudrankksh Patil, Divyansh Panwar and Aishwary Pratap Singh Tomar. The team broke the world record in the process, and Aishwary topped it off with an individual bronze as well. Later, the Indian women's cricket team won gold too, defeating Sri Lanka by 19 runs. India ended the day with six medals, taking its tally to 11 and being placed sixth on the country-wise standings.
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