
From AI To Agriculture: Modi, Bill Gates Discuss Key Matters; Microsoft Co-Founder Lauds India's 'Digital Govt'

Prime Minister Narendra Modi engaged in a dialogue with Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha election, focusing on India's technological advancements. They discussed the role of Artificial Intelligence, India's hosting of the 2023 G20 Summit, and initiatives like the 'Namo Drone Didi' scheme to promote technology inclusivity.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates

Ahead of the Lok Sabha election in 2024, Prime Minister Narendra Modi engaged in a conversation with Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, talking about the pivotal role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in shaping modern society.

The conversation highlighted Modi's vision for leveraging technology to bridge societal gaps and drive inclusive development.

During the interaction, Prime Minister Modi emphasised the significance of AI in contemporary times, underscoring its pervasive influence across various sectors. He humorously remarked on the rapid adoption of technology among Indian children, quipping, "In India, we call mother 'aai' in most states, and now some advanced kids are saying AI as their first word... it's a joke but 'aai' and 'AI' sound similar."

Use OF AI In 2023 G20 Summit

Furthermore, discussing the 2023 G20 Summit, PM Modi said, "We had extensive discussions before the G20 Summit and as you might have seen, the Summit's proceedings took a lot of turns. I believe we have now aligned with G20's core purposes & objectives, bringing them to the mainstream. I hope your first-hand experience echoes this sentiment."

He also shared that his Hindi speech was translated into Tamil during the Kashi Tamil Sangamam event using AI.

Responding to this, Bill Gates stated, "G20 is way more inclusive and so it is fantastic to see India hosting it - really raised things like digital innovations and how the south-south collaboration can be far more than just the dialogue with the north... Our foundation is so excited about the past results that you have achieved here in India, that we would be a partner in trying to take that into many other countries."

PM Modi discussed India's digital revolution during the G20 Summit in Indonesia, emphasising the democratisation of technology to prevent monopolies. Bill Gates commended India for its "digital government," noting its leadership in adopting technology.

'Drone Didi' Scheme For Women

Demonstrating his commitment to democratising technology, Modi showcased various initiatives aimed at empowering marginalised communities, such as the 'Drone Didi' scheme for women in agriculture and telemedicine services for remote patients.

He further said, "When I used to hear about the digital divide in the world, I used to think that I would not allow anything like that to happen in my country. Digital public infrastructure is a major requirement in itself... Women are more open to adopting new technology in India... I have started 'Namo Drone Didi' scheme... This is going on very successfully. I interact with them these days; they are delighted. They say that they didn't know how to ride a bicycle but they are now pilots and can fly drones. The mindset has changed."

The conversation also touched upon pressing global issues, including climate change. Modi advocated for redefining traditional metrics of development, urging a shift towards sustainable practices such as green GDP and green employment.

Using AI Responsibly

The discussion extended to the topic of Deepfake, with the Prime Minister cautioning against the indiscriminate use of AI tools, emphasising the necessity for responsible utilisation. He proposed the implementation of clear watermarks on AI-generated content to prevent misinformation and underscored the importance of recognising deepfake content as AI-generated in a democratic setup like India's. He stressed the need for establishing guidelines surrounding its usage.

Bill Gates reflected on the early stages of AI development, acknowledging its potential while cautioning about inherent challenges. He highlighted the unpredictable nature of AI, capable of mastering complex tasks yet susceptible to failure even in seemingly simple endeavours.

Also, reflecting on India's achievements during the pandemic, Modi credited technology, particularly the CoWin platform, for streamlining vaccination efforts and providing crucial support to citizens.




